Chapter 4

889 20 57

Deku looks good. 😗

Mina to Alienkween

Tsysu to Pwetty Kermit

Iida to Sonic

Uraraka to FloatyUwU

Ojiro to Tailman

Denki to Best Pika

Kirishima to Best Manly

Jirou to Earphones

Sero to Tape

Tokoyami to emobirb

Shouto to Icy hot

Toru to Invisible

Bakugou to Angry Pomeranian

Me to Cinnamon

Mineta to Best Mean Grape

Momo to MOMo

Shinso to Tired Cat


Best Pika: 

FloatyUwU: ikr

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FloatyUwU: ikr. In his sleeping bag, he looks sleepy and like he doesn't care about anything. But when he is protecting us he is serious.

Angry Pomeranian: For once I agree with pink cheeks...

Best manly: it looks like Denki

Best manly: it looks like Denki

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Aleinkween: Yeea

Cinnamon: I wonder if Kamanari-Kun is the human version of Pikachu...

Invisible: ...That would cool!

Best Pika: ...

Best Manly: Guys...he's crying...

Cinnamon: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that...>_<

Best Pika: No...don't be sorry...I'm crying because I'm happy.

Cinnamon: Oh...


Icy hot: He looks ugly

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Icy hot: He looks ugly...

Best Mean Grape: What is wrong with his fucking eyebags? HE'S FUCKING DISGUSTING!


Tailman: Can I get a fuck Trump

Icy hot: fuck Trump

 Alienkween: fuck trump

Pwetty Kermit: fuck trump

Sonic: fuck trump

 FloatyUwU: fuck trump

Best Pika: fuck trump

Best Manly: fuck trump

Earphones: fuck trump

Tape: fuck trump

emobirb: fuck trump

Icy hot: fuck trump

Invisible: fuck trump

Angry Pomeranian: FUCK TRUMP

Cinnamon: FUCK trump

Best Mean Grape: F U C K  T R U M P

MOMo: fuck trump

Tired Cat: fuck trump

Alienkween: Are we just gonna ignore the fact that Izuku cursed?

Icy hot: ...

MOMo: ...

FloatyUwU: ...

Tailman: ...

emobirb: ...

Tape: ...


Best Pika: Ok, jeez.

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