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I don't know how to spell Mamagiri :( Enjoy!

                                      Toga has created a group chat

Toga: Hello!

Dabi: What is this?

Twice: Nice a group chat...

Dabi: You did that to tell me it was a group chat... *_*

Mr. Compress: Wow...

Korugiri: Where is Tomura?

Toga: Shiggy?

Shigaraki: What?

Toga: Where are you? You're not in your room. 

Shigaraki: Why are you in my room?

Toga: ...

Korugiri: Where are you?

Shigaraki: I just went on a walk...

Korugiri: ...= and *_*

Twice: Are you at UA?

Toga: Shiggy?

Dabi: Tomura?

                           Shiagaraki has put himself to Talk to text

Twice: Shig?

Shigaraki: This is not your "Boss" -Kidnapper


Shigaraki: Oh, he's right here. -Kidnapper

Shigaraki: LET GO OF ME, BITCH. -Shigaraki

Twice: LET HIM GO!!!!

Shigaraki: *SLAP* -Kidnapper



Shigaraki: OUCH! -Shigaraki

 Mr. Compress: We're coming boss!

Shigaraki: Just hurr-DON'T YOU DARE PUT THAT IN ME! -Shigaraki

Twice: ...

Toga: ...

Korugiri: ...

Dabi: ...

Mr. Compress: ...


Shigaraki: You guys are disgusting! I was gonna drug him with something... -kiddnaper

Toga: Oh. Wait, WHAT!!

                                                      Everyone has left the chat.

"Where is he though?" Toga asked. They were walking down the street, following the 'Track my phone' app on Kurogiri's phone. "Hold on..." Kurogiri says. They walked for five minutes. "Found him!" He says. Everyone looked at his phone. They looked up and realize that they were in front of the building. "Let's go!" Twice yells. Everyone goes inside. It was very dark and had a little bit of light. They were walking for two minutes. "This place gives me the creeps!" Mr. Compress says. Dabi agrees. They took a lot of twists and turns. It was like a maze! Ten minutes later, they found him. He was in a cell, shackles on his hands, and his head down. He was sitting on the floor. The shackles look like it's hurting him. "Shiggy!" Toga yelled running over to the cell with the others following behind her. Shigaraki doesn't lookup. Everyone looked at each other. "Shiggy?" Dabi asks concerned. "He can't hear you. He has air pods on. The song that's playing, reminds him of his childhood." A voice says. Everyone's eyes widen and they turn around. "TAKE IT OFF HIM!" Dabi yells. "No can do." He says. They began to fight him. Ten minutes later the guy was knocked out by Dabi. "How do we break him out of there?" Dabi asks. Everyone shrugs. "Wait, can't Kurogiri teleport in there?" Compress says. Everyone realizes that their dum. Kurogiri did it. Twice and Toga took off the shackles and Kurogiri teleports them out. Everyone realized Shigaraki had tears running down his face and his hand was off. Dabi took off the air pods. Shigaraki looks up. "W-what's going on?" He asks. Toga helps him up. " You got kidnapped by someone and we saved you. " She said hugging him. "1. Ok. 2. Toga get off me." Shigaraki says with his face back to normal. "Welp, he's back." Mr. Compress says walking away.

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