Chapter 20/A/N

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I know I know, I keep changing Deku and I'm sorry. But I will finally stick to his regular self. Don't hate me😌😭 Also I have decided to make a tododekusero ship cuz why not. It's mainly because I love tododeku then I also love seroki/todosero so like why not combine them? (Cute Todoroki at the top)

Phone charger: I'm bored

Spicy Pomeranian: We're in class, dunce face

Phone charger: I know but I'm bored

Gottagofast: You should not be texting in the middle of a lecture!

Tiktok: But your texting😗

Gottagofast: I-

Flextape: Lmaoo

Icythot: What is "lmao"..?

Phone charger: Bro, are you serious?

Pink Balloon: Has he ever joked? No seriously, has he?

Cat gamer: Lmao mean laughing my ass off

Icythot: But how do you...laugh your..ass off? Does it fall off when you laugh?

Shark boy: I- no bro

Flex Tape: Babe- no it mean like you're laughing hard

Icythot: oh

Tiktok: Wait babe!? 😲😲

Lesbofrog: Kero?

Emophone: oop

Flex tape: Oops?

Phone charger: Lmaoo

Shark boy: So manly😩

Pink Balloon: So you guys are dating?

Flex tape: Yup. We're also dating someone else too

John cena: More tea!?

Tiktok: you've been secretly watching the chat right?

John cena: Yup, also am I the only one who noticed that Todoroki actually replied?

Phone charger: :0 good boy gone bad

Spicy Pomeranian: 🙄

Lesbofrog: Wait who's the other one Sero, kero? @Flex Tape

Cat gamer: it's ✨me✨

MOMo: My babies, they're all grown up😭😖

Emophones: Its okay, Yao

Gottagofast: Guys, Mr. Aizawa has turned around!

Phone charger: oh shit!

                                             Everyone has gone offline

How'd you like it? I finally thought of something😭 but yea. Hope you enjoyed this! Byeeeeee💖

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