The villians added

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Phone charger: I'm bored

Spicy Pomeranian: Guess what? No one cares.

Shark boy: Don't be so mean Bakubro

Spicy Pomeranian: Whatever

Tiktok: I'm actually bored too

Lesbo frog: Same kero

Phone charger: Let me add some more people to spice this gc

Pink balloon: Who?

Monkey: Who?

godlikemom: Who?

Phone charger: Can I get admin real quick?

godlikemom: Uh ok?

                              godlikemom has added Phone charger as admin

                               Phone charger has added people to the chat

Shigaraki: What the hell?!

Dabi: Uhhh

Twice: Hello?

Toga: ?

Kurogiri: ????

Mr. Compress: Um, hello?


Phone charger: Uh yea


Phone charger: Because this chat was very boring and I wanted to spice this chat up a bit.

                       Emo Cinnamon has changed their name to Catgamer

Catgamer: Really Kaminari? -_-

Phone charger: yup

Tiktok: Well since they're here...can i get admin, iida

Gottagofast: I- ok? Don't do anything irresponsible.

                         Gottagofast has added Tiktok as admin

                          Tiktok has changed Shigaraki to Crusty gamer

                         Tiktok has changed Dabi to Burntchickennugget

                         Tiktok has changed Toga to Yandere vibes

                        Tiktok has changed Kurogiri to Mamagiri

                        Tiktok has changed Twice to Twofaced

                        Tiktok has changed Mr. Compress to BlueMarbles 

Tiktok: There UwU

Crusty gamer: THE FUCK?!

Burntchickennugget: I- ok

Yandere vibes: Oooh, I like it~

Mamagiri: Why-?

Yandere vibes: You do act like a mom

Twofaced: True-

BlueMarbles: Why-

Tiktok: I didn't know what else to name you T-T

BlueMarbles: -_-

Catgamer: I- anygays- What should we do?

icythot: Your gay?

Catgamer: Yea-

John cena: I'm pretty sure we are all gay/lesbian or like pan and bi

Emophones: Yea

Shark boy: True

Sleepy kitty: Let's all say our sexuality because I want to know

Sparkles: Gay✨

Tiktok: Bi

Lesbo Frog: Lesbian

Gottagofast: I'm Questioning mine

pink balloon: Lesbian

Tiktok: I thought you were straight and liked deku?

Catgamer: Wait what?!

pink balloon: Mina! Yes I WAS straight now I'm Lesbian because I'm dating a girl.

Tiktok: Oh

Catgamer: You liked me tho?

pink balloon: Yea

Catgamer: I liked you too to be honest before figuring out that i was gay😗

pink balloon: wow

Monkey: I'm questioning mine

Phone charger: Gayyyy

Shark boy: Straight just kidding gay

Octopus arms: Gay

Emophones: Lmao, lesbian I'm also dating someone

Tiktok: who?😏

Emophones: Not telling

Tiktok: Aw man

Flex tape: GAY

emoraven: gay

icythot: Gay

John cena: Bi

Spicy Pomeranian: Not telling

Shark boy: He's Gay

Phone charger: Yup

Tiktok: Knew it!

Spicy Pomeranian: ugh whatever🙄

Catgamer: Gay😌

Mean Grape: Gay

Emophones: FR?!

godlikemom: REALLY?!

Lesbo frog: Wow...

pink balloon: ......

Mean Grape: 🙄

godlikemom: Anyways, I'm lesbian

Crusty gamer: Gay..

Burntchickennugget: Really? Wow, I'm also gay

Twofaced: idk

Yandere vibes: Bi

Mamagiri: idk

BlueMarbles: gay

Sleepy kitty: Wow, I'm also gay..

Phone charger: Literally, almost all the boys are gay-

Tiktok: Yea

Gottagofast: Everyone sleep, its getting late.

Catgamer: Nah, I'm gonna play some video games

Phone charger: ooh, can I play too?

Catgamer: Sure

Shark boy: Me?

Catgamer: ok

emoraven: I would like to participate

Catgamer: Alright anyone who wants to play video games just come to my dorm.

godlikemom: I'll just come watch

Emophones: same

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