The reveal

836 14 5

Mina to Alienkween

Tsysu to Pwetty Kermit

Iida to Sonic

Uraraka to FloatyUwU

Ojiro to Tailman

Denki to Best Pika

Kirishima to Best Manly

Jirou to Earphones

Sero to Tape

Tokoyami to emobirb

Shouto to Icy hot

Toru to Invisible

Bakugou to Angry Pomeranian

Me to Cinnamon

Mineta to Best Mean Grape

Momo to MOMo

Shinso to Tired Cat


Cinnamon: Hey guys I have to tell you something...

MOMo: What's wrong, my child?

Alienkween: What happend?

Icy hot: What's up?

Best Pika: What's Poppin

Alienkween: What's Poppin? Really?

Cinnamon: I'm...trans...

MOMo: ...

Alienkween: ...

Icy hot: ...

Alienkween: Oh, wait, I already know that.

Best Pika: I thought you didn't want them to know yet...

Best Manly: Yeah...

Sonic: Wait, you three already know?

Alienkween: Yea, me, Tamaki, Kirishima, and Denki.

Cinnamon: ...

MOMo: Ok, we still love you tho. 💖

FloatyUwU: Yea. 💖💖

Sonic: Yea, we still support you.

Cinnamon: Thanks, guys.

FloatyUwU: So, what do you look like?

Best Pika: I'll do it. She has black hair that goes to the start of the back. She has red/pink eyeshadow. She looks like this.

Earphones: Yes! Emo gang!

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Earphones: Yes! Emo gang!

Emobirb: Yes! I mean finally.

                                       Earphones have changed its name to Emophones

                                       Cinnamon has changed its name to Emocinnamon

MOMo: Wait, what's your name now?

Emocinnamon: Korra Midoriya. Also, my quirk is ice. I still have my regular quirk tho.

MOMo: ok.

Icy hot: Ice buddies?

Emocinnamon: Ice buddies.

FloatyUwU: ...I just searched up Korra Midoriya...

MOMo: what does it say?

FloatyUwU: "Korra Midoriya is the second daughter of Inko Midoriya. She is a model and a famous singer with her other friends Mina Ashido, Tamaki Amajiki, Denki Kaminari, and Enjiro Kirishima. They all go to the hero school U.A. You know the school for heroes. A lot of girls look up to them because of the meanings of their songs. Due to this Korra is the second richest in Japan. Mina is third, Kirishima is fourth, Tamaki is fifth, and Denki is sixth."

                              Emocinnamon, Alienkween, Best Pika, and Best Manly has left the chat

MOMo: ...

Emophones: ...

Icy hot: ...

PwettyKermit: ...

Sonic: ...

Tailman: ...

Tape: ...

Invisible: ...

Tired Cat: ...

  FloatyUwU has added Emocinnamon, Alienkween, Best Pika, and Best Manly back into the chat

Angry Pomeranian: Ex-fucking-splain!

Best Manly: ...

Best Pika: ...

Alienkween: ...

Emocinnamon: ...


Emocinnamon: ...

Best Mean Grape: ...🤬

Icy hot: oof...

Sonic: Explain, please

                                                  After Korra explained(I'm lazy (•_•)

FloatyUwu: Ok kool.

MOMo: Guys, we have to sleep tomorrow is a test.

Alienkween: ...WE HAVE A TEST!? OH SHIT!

MOMo: Are you serious? Ok, I'll hold a study session in the common room. 

Tape: Thanks, Momo! YOU ARE A LIFE SAVER!

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