3rd of December

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It's the 3rd of December y'all. Some get sweaters, some don't :(

I hope y'all got sweaters :D

Tiktok: Y'all it's the 3rd of December :(

Gottagofast: Yes, we are well aware. Why the sad face?

Tiktok: :(((

Phone Charger: Did u not get a sweater ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Gottagofast: Ashido! That is completely inappropriate! Also, what is the meaning of the 3rd of December?

Pink Balloon: How do you not know? Also poor Mina..but I got one:))))

Phone Charger: Me toooo

Lesbo Frog: :))) <3

Pink Ballon: <3

Tiktok: I hate you guys :(

Tittycroissant: *sighs in french* I wish I got a sweater (︶︹︺)

Gottagofast: I do not understand

icythot: Neither do I

emoraven: Same as myself, although I did search it up. You give your loved one your sweater. Why? I do not know

Phone charger: Yep, that is correct, my fren. I got one

Tiktok: We know, shut up about it

Phone charger: ur just mad ur single ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Tiktok: ╭∩╮

Gottagofast: Oh dear. Anyways, you just get a sweater from your loved one

icythot: Well, that makes sense why Hanta gave Izuku and me his sweaters

Pink Ballon: HE DID?!?!

icythot: Um, yes?

Tiktok: ...Who got a sweater BESIDES the people who mentioned that they did

shark boy: I did :)))

emophones: Same :)

Catgamer: :))

Tiktok: I said people who haven't mentioned it, Izuku

Catgamer: I never mentioned it, Shouto did :))

Tiktok: ╭∩╮

Catgamer: How rude >:(

godlikemom: I have gotten one

Sleepy kitty: Same

shark boy: Kats has one too :))

Spicy Pomeranian: DO NOT include me in this

Tiktok: ...I'm gonna cry...

Phone charger: ...It's ok that ur single Mina. u don't have to cry

Tiktok: It's not fairrrrrr, where's my sweaterrr

icythot: If I understand this correctly, I'm sure you'll get one soon, you're a beautiful woman

Tiktok: I hate all of you except for Shouto

icythot: I don't think you should hate our friends but okay

Catgamer: :(((

Phone charger: :((((

Pink Ballon: :(((

Tiktok: -_-

Phone charger: You'll get over it. Anyways..the way Hitoshi just walked up and gave it to me (*๑˘◡˘) ( ˘ ³˘)♥

Sleepy kitty: ...( ̄ε ̄)♥

Tiktok: You hate me 

icythot: Hanta just called us to his room and gave it to us before cuddling us

Catgamer: Shouto!

icythot: What?

Flex tape: It's okay. Te amo <3

icythot: If that means what I think it means then I love you too

Catgamer: Pffft <3

Tiktok: Break up

icythot: I think you need to calm down

Tiktok: I don't like you anymore

icythot: oh


Flex tape: too late, you made him sad :((


Get me my vodka: Look at what you've done

Tiktok: SHUT UP

Get me my vodka: How dare you >:0 We could've been twins

Tiktok: How so

Phone charger: Because he doesn't have a sweater either ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Get me my vodka: Stfu

Tiktok: Oh but that's not surprising

Get me my vodka: Well fuck you too then, bubblegum headed bitch

Gottagofast: LANGUAGE!!!

Get me my vodka: ╭∩╮

I want a sweater :(

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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