The Milk

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Spicy Pomeranian: Deku, why the fuck did I just see you dipping oreos in fucking water? Either you eat it by its self or you dip it in MILK

Catgamer: Well, Kacchan, I unfortunately cannot dip it in milk because my dad is not back with it yet

Flex Tape: PFFFFT- I'm sorry I laughed

Phone charger: Brooooooooo😹

Sharkboy: MIDOBROO

Tiktok: I'm dead

Spicy Pomeranian: I-

Cat gamer: 😎😭

Burntchickennugget: I wish my dad went to get the milk and never came back

Icythot: Me too. Life would have been much better

Phone charger: 😹

Emoraven: I wish I would get the milk and never come back

Cat gamer: ...

Octopus Arms: ...

Tiktok: ...

Phone charger: Well damn

Emoraven: What

                                 Mean Grape has changed his name to Get me my vodka
                     (Thank you Lilz54 and sorry for using the idea so late)

Cat gamer: That fits

Get me my vodka: Shut up

Cat gamer: Well damn okay T-T
          Siren has changed Cat gamer's name to Tanjiros Twin

Tiktok: Omg that fits. They kinda have the same voice toooooo

Pink Ballon: Trueeeeeeee

Lesbofrog: They act the same too. They even have a friend with anger issues.

Spicy Pomeranian: I know that was directed to me

Tiktok: Its good you know Bakubabe
Icythot: Bakubabe?

Emophones: We call him that to mess with him

Spicy Pomeranian: Its fucking annoying

Phone charger: Are u rlly texting in lowercase rn? Are u evn Bakugo


Tanjiros Twin: We were enjoying the peace Kaminari TvT

Phone charger: Oop sorry it ws js weird for meeee

Spicy Pomeranian: SHUT UP

Phone charger: That's for u to do when Kiri fucks you 😌

Spicy Pomeranian: I-

Shark boy: 0////0

John cena: I feel like I'm missing something here

Spicy Pomeranian: A body

John cena: I- how dare you

Shark boy: Katsuki be nice

Godlikemom: First name basis? 👀

Pink ballon: 👀👀

Tiktok: Alright if you're in a relationship say it (if you want to)

Lesbo Frog: I'm dating Ochako

Pink Ballon: Yeppp

Phone charger: Hitoshiiiii

Sleepy kitty: Since when?

Phone charger: Since I asked you out

Sleepy kitty: And when was that?

Phone charger: Js now

Sleepy kitty: I- okay I guess we're going out now

Phone charger UnU

Shark boy: I'm dating Katsuki :)

Tiktok: I knew it! It's the reason this idea was made

Spicy Pomeranian: Whatever

Shark boy: <3

Spicy Pomeranian: ....<3

Godlikemom: Awwwww

Spicy Pomeranian: 🙄

Octopus Arms: Uh, anyway, I'm dating Tokayami

Pink balloon: Yasssssss

John cena: Ayyyyyyyyy

Emoraven: I hate the both of you

Pink ballon: Nuuuuuu

Emophones: Oop. I'm dating Momo

Godlikemom: <333

Emophones: <333

Flex Tape: Adorable and yall already know but I'll say it anyway. My adorable Mi amours, Izuku and Shoto

Tanjiros Twin: 🥺💚

Icythot: I love you too💙

John cena: Bro, I wanna be in a relationship now T-T

Tiktok: Me too. Go out with me

John cena: I- Okayyy

Get me my vodka: I'm dating someone not in this school yet

Lesbo Frog: Are you implying that we're gonna have a new student?

Get me my vodka: Maybe

Phone charger: :00000

Tanjiros Twin: What's their quirk?

Get me my vodka: You'll see

Burntchickennugget: I'm dating Crusty

Crusty gamer: Stfu

Sleepy kitty: Where did yall come from-?

Burntchickennugget: Hell

Phone charger: Lmaooo

Toga: You'll find out soon hehehe~

Monkey: You scare me

Tanjiros Twin: I've been replaced? Yayyyyy

Toga: No we're in a platonic relationship Izu-kun~ you cant escape me~

Tanjiros twin: TvT

Tiktok: Oof. Is that everyone?

Shark boy: I'm pretty sure

Gottagofast: Everyone sleep. Its 5am. We have training with Aizawa in two hours

Phone charger: AHHH FUCK

Tiktok: WE'RE DEAD

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