Chapter 8

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Dakota's POV
The next day...

Today was the worst day ever. First of all, they boy that I really wanted to hang out with yesterday is mad at me and I am too nervous to confront him. He needs to know that I wasn't trying to flake on him and that I was at detention. He probably hates me now...
The next thing that happened today (and this was the big one) started in English class.
I was having a great last day of school before our three day weekend until 7th period came.
The class was going great so far. The whole class was doing a fun activity about the end of the world (how ironic)
I was working on a worksheet and then I got called over by my teacher (the one who I screamed at the other day)
She was talking about my 4 page journal entry project and I thought that I would get some compliments with a few errors like I always get. But I was very wrong.
You see, the task of the project was to create 4 journal entries about a person during the holocaust and write about their experience. It was a creative research report. NO ONE FREAKING TOLD ME THAT IT HAD TO BE VERY RELEVANT TO AN ACTUAL PERSON AND I NEEDED CITATION. I was told to search up Jewish names on the Internet and the concentration camp that they could be in and other things (U know be creative) and I did all of that stuff. NOW MY STUPID TEACHER JUST NOW TOLD ME THAT I ACTUALLY HAVE TO FIND OUT INFORMATION ABOUT THE CAMP!!!! Such as what they ate and did there. Shouldn't the things that they did at the camp be sort of the same in every camp?!(such as work all day, eat small portions of food, and try to stay alive)
If she was going to say all of this stuff to me then she should of made this a FULL RESEARCH PAPER!!!! The worst thing she said to me was "I can't pass this project" that killed me inside. Next, I asked to go to bathroom so I can let out my anger and then she followed me (what a creep) and she talked to me. She wants me to come in for extra help to fix my project. I never had a project where is failed and I had to fix all of it. This is stupid. I DONT WANT TO SEE HER WHITE FACE ANYMORE!!!!
She is trying to make this a high school English class ,BUT IF SHE KEEPS DOING THIS TO ME THEN I WONT EVEN MAKE IT TO HIGH SCHOOL!!!!

I'm so done...

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