Chapter 4

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Amber's POV
Ok so this is the story of how I got detention...
It was 3rd period and we had a big test...I fell asleep last night and forgot to study so I didn't know anything that I was reading.
What is ""this?! Tectonic plates?!?! Don't they have something to do with earthquakes?!?! Ugh?!?!
There were 5 minutes left in the period
Wait?!? I just had 10 minutes!?! Ugh?!?
I only had 5 questions left...ugh kill me!
Ok everyone! Please pass up your tests!
NOO! I am not done!!!
I went to me teacher and told him that I wasn't done.
"Umm I am not done with my test. Is there any chance I could get extra time?" I said
"I'm sorry. I believe in giving everybody
The same amount of time for tests and quizzes."
"Ok." I said
Now you probably think that I gave in my test and let him mark those questions as incomplete. Well I didn't.
So now it's lunch time and I really needed to finish my test so while my friends were at math class for lunch (our science teacher wasn't in the classroom at the time)
I couldn't stand the feeling of losing points on a test because I didn't have enough time, so I went upstairs to the science classroom and I picked the lock with a paper clip. No one was in the halls so I was in the clear.
I walked into the cold room. Ugh I hate the cold!
I then checked on my teachers desk. So many papers!
And then I saw the pile of tests. There it is...period 3
I scrambled through the test booklets and I finally found my name.
Next I sit down at a random table and finish my test. I rushed a little because I wanted to get out of the classroom before my teacher gets back.
I finally finished my test and I put it back on the pile with the rest of the tests that were from my class and I gather my things to leave.
As I was leaving the classroom I noticed that one of the shelves was tilted, so I went over and tried to put it back into place. The shelf wasn't cooperating and as I was tugging on it to fix it, the whole shelf fell and smashed the glass beakers bellow it. I was then frozen...I couldn't move! I couldn't believe what I had just done. Hopefully no one herd the noise.omg what do I do now!?! I need to get out of here!?!
When I finally got had courage to move I sprinted to the door but then the teacher came in from next door...
"What is going on!?" She said
"Ummm...I was just..." I couldn't get the words out of my mouth
"Don't you know that your not suppose to be here unless a teacher is in here!?! And how did you get in this classroom!?!?" She said
"I...umm...I" Is all that came out of me
And that's when I thought that things couldn't get worse...but I was wrong.
Next thing I know, my teacher came in with the principal. They had lunch together...great...
"What is going on here!?" My teacher asked
The other teacher that caught me explained what happened and I ended up getting
Detention for the whole week from my teacher
• A phone call to my parents explaining what I did and what the cost is for the damage from my principal
•And a lecture from my parents...great

That's the story of how I got in Detention.

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