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"i thought you killed him" lee's mom screamed on the other line

"i did ... well thought i did ... but think about it who else would do this" he sighed

he got no sleep last night he drove down every street he could before needing gas

"this is bull shit now they can't check cameras all of a sudden ... just get ya boys and keep looking" she said

"alright kiss the twins for me" he said before they hung up.

"god please guide me to her" he cried

he really loved this girl. he didn't wanna lose her.

he wiped his tears as he met his friends and cousins back home.

milan was tripping out back home. she couldn't do shit because her job wouldn't let her leave. she rather quit but she needed the money. jayda would understand she thought.

maybe she could do some stalking back at home to send to them to help.

back to lee.

he sat with everyone. they were currently listing out sum plans.

they would look in every odd building around. since the area we was in wasn't even that big. lee's friend hacked into the security system my damn self and saw the licenses plate on the van.

i sent it to everyone and the model and color blah blah blah.

"i really think we could send this to the police and they could look at the street cameras" his cousin tony said

"guess we do have to get them involved someone go to the department and do that me and my group let's go" he said getting up

on the other end

jayda sighed as she was beat all over her body.

"what i tell you about leaving me" he said

"i'm ... im sorry i swear" she cried with her head down

every single part of her body hurt and she was starving hungry.

"no you not ... you a dumbass why did i keep you around" he said kicking her in the head and punching her stomach.

he lifted her head up.

"dave please ... i have kids now" she said not being able to take her mind of everything

she slowly started choking on blood. dom walked in with food and he untied her hands.

"eat up bitch" he said before they walked out

she didn't even wanna eat. but she tried her hardest. it hurt to swallow.

she cried

"lee where are you" she started crying harder

even tho it wasn't his fault and he was trying his hardest to find her. she just was trying to believe that he would come

"stop crying" dave said bringing sum sweatpants and a tank top.

"you done" he said throwing away her food

why ask if you was just gon throw it away she thought.

"let's go wash" he said picking her up and her body drooped over him.

he picked her up bridal style.

he slowly ran water on a towel. he cleaned her up but it stung badly because of all the drag cuts and shit.

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