002- Christmas eve heartbreak </3

73 3 1

December 24th 1993

Christmas eve heartbreak </3

"Wow Pansy, you really went low." I said as I saw my girlfriend, Pansy Parkinson, kissing my best friend, Draco Malfoy.

I turned to walk away.

"Blaise wait-" Pansy said trying to grab me, but I cut her off and turned back to her.

"No Pansy! I am sick of you making excuses! How long has this been going on Pansy?" I asked in anger.

"Wha- what do you mean Blai-"

"You know what I mean! How long!?"

"A month! Ok? I'm sorry!" She ccried

I scoffed. Wow. How blind could I be? I should've noticed...

"Blaise I am so sorry..." Pansy said taking me out of my thoughts.

"You're not though Pansy it's christmas eve! And your cheating on me. How self centered can you be!?" I exclaimed, Then I turned to Draco. "And you... You're supposed to be my best friend and you're seeing my girlfriend behind my back?" I was on the edge of tears.

"Blaise I" Draco began to say.

"No Draco I really don't want to hear it right now. Pansy we're done. And Draco you better pack your bags and get a new dorm." I told them both. When I turned to walk, I collided with someone. It was Y/n.

She looked up. "Oh sorry Blaise I was just-" She stopped. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah why?" I lied.

"Because you look like you're about to cry." She said with a concerned tone.

"Oh um... It's nothing. Just caught my girlfriend cheating on me with my best friend in MY OWN dorm.." I told her about to cry even more than I already am.

"Oh that little bitch." She said with a angry tone as she pushed pass me. I followed her. She stormed into my dorm that had Draco and Pansy in it. "Now you've done it Parkinson." She yelled. Then she slapped her. "What were you thinking. Do you know how much it hurts to be cheated on Pansy?" She asked Pansy.

"No?" Pansy asked.

"Well it hurts. It really does! And I'm not surprised that a girl like you wouldn't know." She said to Pansy. 

"What do you mean 'a girl like me'?" Pansy asked Y/n.

"What I mean is that you are pretty, you are popular, AND you have daddy's money. So on and so on. You don't even try, and you have guys lined up to talk to you." Y/n said. 

Pansy looked stunned. Y/n scoffed and stormed out.

I followed her. "Y/n are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah I'm totally fine." She lied.

"Y/n I know you're not ok." I told her.

She turned around to me. "You're right Blaise, I'm not. I know how it feels to be cheated on. It hurts. And I am so so sorry that you have to have that pain on your shoulders." She said crying.

"Wow Y/n I- I had no idea..." I told her walking towards her.

"It's ok Blaise really." She said wiping her tears. I hugged her. "Thank you, Blaise."

I squeezed her harder. "You know I wasn't planning on crying on christmas eve." She laughed. I let her go and laughed too.

"Lord." I chuckled.

That's when I figured out that...
I liked Y/n Moon...


Word Count: 530

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