011- Long distance

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It's been about two weeks since school let out, and it has been one hell of a time. 

Y/n is in America visiting her father finally, but damn I miss her. We usually call once or twice a week. I don't want to seem like the obsessed type, so I don't call her 24/7 even if I really want to. She should be back soon, which I'm looking forward to. 

However, here I am sitting near the phone waiting for her call. It's about ten minutes past our usual time and I am panicking. What if something ha-

My thoughts are interrupted by a ring from the phone. 

"Hello?" I say into the phone, hoping it's her.

"Hello my love!!" It's Y/n, a sudden weight is lifted off my shoulders.

"Hi beautiful, how was your day?" 

"It was good, I talked to my father about us..." She pauses.

"Yea? What happened." I'm nervous.

"Well, I told him that you are a great guy and you've treated me better than anyone else has, and I told him he doesn't get to have a say in my life since I haven't talked to him in forever, and he's never had a genuine conversation with you, and he has only ever judged you on your looks, never on your personality." She keeps ranting on about the conversation. "And I told him that I love you and..." She stops. She didn't mean to say that like this.

"Y/n... you okay over there?" I say trying not to sound too excited about the fact she said she loved me.

"Yea, yea, anyways so he said he'll think about you and me." She sounds weird now.

"Well, I'm glad you finally had that talk with your dad, was well needed." I don't want to say 'I love you' too soon. 

"Yea, anyways I have to go now, I'll talk to you later?" She sounds sad, should I have said I love her too?

"Yea. Hey, Y/n?" I stop her before she hangs up.

"Yes Blaise?"

"I love you." I finally say it. The thing I have been waiting to say since day one, I can finally say it.

"I love you. Goodnight Blaise." She hangs up.

I would much rather be kissing her right now than imagining what her face looked like when I said it back. This long-distance stuff sucks, I don't understand how people can do this for a year. But we'll have to get used to it. We're almost in our 5th year, we have to start thinking about schools.

We got this Y/n. We got this.


A/N: Hello everyone, I am back! Sorry it's been so long; I have been so busy with school and work lately! I hope you all are doing well; over this next week I will try to upload as much as I can on this book because it's almost close to finished, but I can't give any spoilers, but get ready, I love yall!!

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