005- Summer

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Summer :)- FRIDAY, JULY 26TH  1994


So I had been getting letters from y/n and her mother, Andria, all summer.

Today was Y/n's birthday. Me and my mother were stood outside the door. Andria had sent us a letter a week ago asking us to come and surprise Y/n. And of course, we said yes!

My mom knocked. I couldn't because I had flowers in my hand with Y/n's gift.

"Y/n, hun can you get the door? I'm sort of busy." We heard Andria call from inside.

"Coming!!" Y/n yelled. She opened the door.

"BLAISE!?" She said surprised, hugging me. "Hi Mrs.Mary." She said hugging my mom.

"What are you guys doing here??" Y/n asked.

"It's your birthday is it not?" I asked.

"Awe you remembered" She smiled

"Of course! How could I forget?" I handed her the gifts.

"yes, happy birthday." My mom said.

"Thank you, Mary." Y/n smiled. "And thank you so much Blaise."

Andria walked out. "Hello Mary! It's so nice to see you. And hello to you too Blaise."

"Nice to see you Ms. Andria" I smiled.

"Please, come in." Andria said gesturing to the door.

"Thank you, Andria." My mom said.

Once we got into the house Andria said "You two kids can go up to Y/n's room. Me and Mary will be down here if you two need anything."

"Ok mom" Y/n smiled.

Their house was absolutely huge. And Y/n's room was ginormous.

She put her present and flowers on her desk.

"Make yourself at home." Y/n told me.

I laid down on her bed. "Your room is really big." I said chuckling.

She laughed. "Not really."

She came and laid down next to me on the bed.

"Oh how I missed you." I told her turning to her smiling.

"I missed you too." 

She looked into my eyes.  I looked into hers. She leaned in and kissed me. Of course I kissed back. Her lips were so soft. It felt like I hadn't kissed her for a life time. Then in the middle of us kissing-

"Y/n!" Andria barged in.

Y/n sat up quickly. "Yes mom?" Y/n asked.

"Honestly, I don't care what y'all were doing but I need you downstairs."

"Okay, I'll be down in a sec." Y/n exclaimed.

Andria walked away. Y/n got up and I followed her downstairs.

"Mom?" She yelled.

"In the dining room Hun." Her mom called out.

I followed Y/n to the dining room. When Y/n entered she stopped dead in her tracks. There was a man. He turned around to show his face. I had no idea who this man was.

"D- Dad!?" She said. He got up. She ran to him with tears in her eyes. "You- Your really here!?'" She said hugging him. I walked up to him.

"Nice to meet you Mr.Moon." He looked at me confused.

"And you might be?" He asked.

"Uhm-" I was saying when Y/n cut me off.

"This is my boyfriend, Blaise." She said to her dad putting her arm around my waist.

"Oh..." Her dad said. "So, you're going to really let her date people like - like this??" Her dad said.

"Excuse me!?" My mom said. "What do you mean 'people like this'"

"You know what I mean. He will probably get her pregnant by next year. You know how people like him are." Y/n's dad exclaimed.

"Ok I'm done with this. I'm sorry Andria but Me and Blaise are going to go. Happy birthday y/n." My mom said.

"Mom-" I said.

"No Blaise we are leaving. I am not putting up with this." She said as she dragged me out.

"Dad what the hell!?" Y/n yelled as we walked out. "I thought you would've changed by now. Guess you didn't. Please leave." She added.

"But Y/n hun-" He dad tried to say.

"Get. Out." She yelled.

He grabbed his stuff and came out while me and my mom were in the car. He sped off.

"Sorry Blaise but we're leaving." My mom said.

"I understand Mom." I said with tears in my eyes.

Y/n stood at the door crying. She waved while we drove off.


Hello everyoneeeee. I'm backkkkkk. Ok so I just wanted to say that I am not for racism. This wasn't supposed to be offensive to anyone. It's just a story. I do not feel how Y/n's father feels. Ok so I wanted to get that out of the way. But yes I am back. Sorry I was gone so long... WAYYYYYY to much happened. But yes, I'm finally back. Have a good day. - Peyton :)

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