Chapter 1.

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The attack and reuniting with family.

In a dark and terrible storm there a lone Battleship, heavily damaged sailing towards the US ready for repairs from the heavy damage it sustained from the battle. Finally ending the war the ship continues sailing in the storm. With four, four barreled secondaries damaged and one main six barreled main battery heavily damaged out of the four, port and starboard side filled with holes and fires. Barely moving the ship continued sailing. This lone ship last of its kind,stronger than others,pride of the US happens to be the USS Missouri. Serving in his twenty-second war his crew seemed to have a sense of pride for this old ship. In action for 147 years earning him 24 battle stars he and his crew continue serving for the US. Taking parts from other ships from WW2 upgraded him to be the best of the best for the last ship of his class. Any Battleship actually. Back to the present we can see the Missouri struggling to get to the US. Halfway to US waters the ship's crew was blinded by a white light.

Missouri's POV,

I find myself waking up in the captions room. Perplexed on what's going on I pinched myself to see if this is a dream. Wincing in pain I stood up shaking my head trying to clear it from the pounding headache that I felt approaching.
Mo: How could this have happened? Last I remembered was I was on my way to the US. And how did I come to be human?
As I continued with my thoughts I almost missed the distress beacon that was beeping on my control system. Looking at it I saw that it was the USS Hornet CV-8. But that couldn't be right; she was sunk in the Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands on the 27th of October 1942. Could I have time traveled back to the 40's. I hope I can get there in time.
Mo: Emily head out and help if needed. It's time for battle.
And with that I cranked my engines to full speed and turned to the distress beacon.

Hornet's POV

I'm not sure how much longer we could hang on. My sister is at her limit, the Iowa sisters are out of ammo and the Royal Navy is being overwhelmed. Just as I was about to lose hope a weird noise caught my attention. Looking up I saw a more advanced version of the aircraft that the Iowa's carried. It started to open fire on the planes that the crane sisters were sending at us along with the siren planes. As it was taking out the enemy aircraft it gave us time to regroup.
Hornet: Whose aircraft is that?
Iowa: It isn't ours. Ours were shot down.
Wisconsin: Whoever it is we are thankful. Though look.
She said while pointing at the helicopter.
Wisconsin: It is one of ours. The star on its tail indicates that it is friendly.
N.J: But whose is it?
Iowa: No clue but I'm glad they sent it.
That's when they heard it. The fog horn of an Iowa ship.

????: Feuer!!!!
The group couldn't believe it. Another ship just showed up and took out 5 High Class Siren Battleships and 1 Siren Heavy Cruiser. And that's when they saw it. A huge battleship came into the open. It was larger than the Yamato. As the Sirens aimed they could see the new ship dropping their anchor. Confused by the action, they watched as the Sirens fired at them. As the shells got closer to the new ship the chain tightened and drifted the huge ship to their side where everyone got a good look at them. And What we saw scared us. Four sextuple Batterys pointed at the enemy and before any could react they opened fire.

????: Feuer!!!!
*Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!* *Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!*
The literal recoil moved the ship four feet from where it was. That's when we heard the ship announce their name.
???: This is the USS Missouri BB-63 of the United States Navy. To all hostile ships cease firing to Allied forces or face the consequences. I repeat cease firing or face the consequences.
Prinz Eugen: What is this. We ships of ze Iron Blood back off from no threat. All ships open fire on zat Battleship.
Mo: Not the smartest move but whatever. All weapons lock targets and open fire.
With that the behemoth of a ship fired every weapon on board. I was so loud that I had to cover my ears
from the noise.
Mo:Last chance. Seize fighting and retreat or meet Davy Jones for a personal visit. Choice is yours doll
face. Eins acht foxtrot tango. Mein du bist schön.
Everyone but Eugen were surprised by his sudden speech of Iron Blood. Though know one noticed but,
Missouri Eugens face showed recanization to what he said and looked happy.
Eugen: Very well. We will meet again gutaussehend.
And with that the enemy left. Everyone was looking at the enemy as they were retreating before someone
cleared there throught.
Mo: So which of you sent the distress beacon?
Nervously I raised my hand.
Mo: Nice to meet you, Fighting Lady. If you didn't hear my name is the USS Missouri BB-63 of the
United States Navy.
Ok so right here is a Naval legend and he is happy to meet me. Me of all people!! But what is the United States Navy?
Hornet: Nice to meet you. But where did you come from?
Mo: I came from the East. Now can we head to base to continue this conversation in a more secure
Hornet: Sure. You heard him let's get going.

Missouri's POV

As we were sailing back to Pearl I kept looking at my sisters. They seemed nervous to come talk to me but that I could understand. I mean look at it from their point of view. Their missing brother shows up out of nowhere and looks different from the last time they saw you.
Coming out of my thoughts I noticed Wisconsin come up to me.
Mo: Yes?
Whisky: Where have you been all this time big brother?
She looked ready to cry.
Mo: Protecting our country. I'm sorry that I couldn't save you guys.
Whisky: I'm happy that you're finally here big brother. But what happened to you big brother?
Mo: Well my dear Whisky I was retrofitted so I could protect those of my family.
I almost missed it but Wisconsin cheeks turned red at what I said.
My radar started beeping when I was about to ask her what was wrong. Looking at it it showed that we had arrived at Pearl Harbor. Docking my ship I followed them to a conference room.
????: So Missouri where have you been all this time?


Translation:Feuer- Fire

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Feuer- Fire.

The last Battleship (Azur Lane x Male Ship)Where stories live. Discover now