Chapter 2

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????: So Missouri where have you been all this time?
Mo: Protecting my country miss??
????: HMS Prince of Wales.
Mo: King George V-class battleship right?
Wales: My what an informative ship you are.
Mo: Thank you my lady.
Wales: Now I'm sure we all have questions.
Mo: I will answer them to my best ability.
Wales: First things first. What happened to your ship?
Mo: War. War is what happened.
Iowa: What war?
Mo: War of America and North Korea. Me and my daughter were the last of the American ships left. I could play the last message my captain played.
N.J: That would be nice.
??: Attention all hands. Stand by for Captain Garrison.
Capt Gar: Warriors of the Missouri. I know we are tired.All of us have suffered--lost friends,loved ones. We will ensure it was not in vain.The storm has grounded enemy aircraft-but it won't be for long.We may be the only ship left,but we will not go down without a fight.We will steam west. We'll strike the airfield under storm cover and create a safe passage through Singapore Strait. Strike with speed and courage.Let this storm carry us home.
Mo: That was the last message Captain Garrison ever sent before the battle. ( Anyone who guesses where I got this from is my new best friend.)

Wales: My word. What happened to him? And what was the time that this happened?
Mo: Garrison died from the air strike to my ship and the time was 2020.
Whisky: That far?
Mo: Yes. Though I do miss my daughters.
Enty: Daughters?
Iowa: Oh. WhO DiD You SleEp WItH LiTtLe BrOtHeR??
Mo: No one. The US built a ship named after me but I soon became known as the Father of all Submarines to my never ending nicknames. Plus I did adopt one of them.
N.J: Who are they? Your DaUgHtEr'S.
Mo: USS Texas CGN-39. USS Missouri SSN-780 and her sister USS Texas SSN-775.
Wales: You mean Eagle Union Right? The EU.
Mo: I have no clue about what the hell is the Eagle Union but I can tell you I ain't any part of a Union. I'm an American ship from the United States of America.
Wales: I see. Then tell me. How did you get here?
Mo: I have no clue actually. I remember heading back to states for repairs and ammo.
Enty: Why did you need repairs?
Mo: I was bombed and shot with missles. My first and third main batteries were destroyed. My secondaires from both sides were all damaged or blown up. My Port and Starboard sides were full of holes and fire's and I was filling with water before they blocked the area off from where I was breached.
When I was finished they all looked at me horrified from what I told them. My sisters looked like they
were about to kill someone and Enterprise had a small sad smile from how relatable my ship was to her's.
Mo: While you all get your thoughts together I'm heading back to my ship.
And with that I left.

No ones POV

They all stared at where Missouri once stood.
Wales: To think that after everything we have been through he still seems to hold more pain and suffering
then we have ever thought about.
Enty: Yes. I can agree with you on that. Though his eyes seemed that despite that he has seen more and feels lonely and angry about things. It makes me wonder what he has seen and what he knows about. Maybe next time we talk we could ask about it.
Iowa: I can agree with that but I wonder what he is hiding from us. I will talk to him later.
Everyone looked at her with a worried look. When they saw her expression everyone but her sisters moved back a few steps to avoid what could be known as a woman's fury.
N.J: Let's all get something to eat.
Whisky: Agreed. Anyone else want to come?
Wales: I'll come. I need to talk to her majesty later about this.
With that everyone left for the cafeteria. As they were talking they noticed a crowd surrounding Missouri's ship. Curious, they went to investigate. As they approached they heard music playing while what looked like Missouri doing maintenance to his guns and helicopter.
The song that they heard was an interesting one.

Enty: What song is that? I had never heard of it before.
Wales:Neither have I. What about you three?
She asked, pointing at the Iowa sisters.
W.I.N: No/нет/Negative.
As they were talking they didn't notice that a new song came on until they heard the name Bismark. As they looked back they noticed the crowd had gotten bigger. Lets just saw when they saw Hood they made their way to her while listening. Lets just say she was a "bit upset".

Hood: Who is that?
She asked them while seething in anger at MIssouri.
Iowa: That would be our brother. Hurt him and we will sink you.
Hood: If he's your brother then why does his ship look like that.
Iowa: We do not know. All we know is that he said he was protecting his country.
Hood: Then where has he been this entire time?
N.J:He was...
Before she could finish her sentence someone cut her off.
Mo: I was protecting my country from enemies. Is that a problem for you oh Mighty Hood.
Everyone could hear the sarcasm ,mocking and anger in his voice.
Hood: And how do you think you are?
Mo: Me? I'm the Mighty Mo, the Last Battleship. So if you have a problem with what I listen to you can
kiss my ass and shove off.
To those who were listening they gasped at his bluntness and disrespect at her. Hood was shocked at his
disrespect that she went to slap him only to be met with a blade of a sword.
Mo: Now kindly piss off before there isn't a ship left. If you can notice there are twenty-four, sixteen inch guns aimed at your ship.
As he was talking to her his main batteries started rotating towards her ship. They could even hear them
reloading and locking in place.
Mo: While you piss off I'm going to head to the cafeteria.
And with that he left heading to his destination.



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