Chapter 3

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Sakura Empire,Meeting,Pissing off a Battleship.

4 days later.

Here we can see Missouri walking around Sakura Empire's base. As he was walking around he was being observed by a Battleship on top of a mountain. Her name is IJN Nagato. She had sent some people to goretrieve him but it seems he had avoided them. As she continued to observe him from afar she noticed that he seemed to be taking in the scenery that was around him. Finally it seemed that someone had reachedhim. Talking to him the person that had reached him had let him know that his presence was wanted. It
had seemed he was going over what to choose before he started following her to the meeting room.

Timeskip because of taxes.......

Here we can see the lead ships of the Empire in a meeting room.
Nagato: Hello. My name is IJN Nagato. Can You tell us your name?
Mo: Sure.My name is the USS Missouri. Though most call me the Mighty Mo or the Last Battleship.
The people in the room seem to stiffen at his name.Especially the one hiding in the support beams above him.
Nagato: Can you tell us why you're here?
Mo: Exploring. I'm just curious about the other places. I got to say this is a lovely place you have here.
Nagato: Thank you. Now how long are you going to be here?
Mo: Just a few days. I might try your food. Though I'm not like most of my crew were like. I must advise you not to have people follow me. I do tend to get let's just say a little overboard when I confront people.
Nagato: Noted. If you mine, can you tell me what your crew was like?
Mo: My crew? They were craziest sons of bitches anyone could meet. Hell a quarter of them were my nation's most Elite warriors any could face and that includes your nation as well.
Nagato: And they were?
Mo: The USMC. It stands for United States Marine Corps. The Marines were the best of the best. They have a motto that I live by.
Nagato: And that is?
Mo:Fumeiyo no mae no shi or Death before Dishonor.
Nagato: I must say they have quit the motto. Any ways you're free to go.
Mo: Thanks for having me.
And with that Missouri left the room.

Nagato: You can come out Lady Yamato.
Dropping down from above, IJN Yamato landed next to Nagato.
Yamato: It was refreshing to see my love. Oh, how I missed hearing about him.*giggling insanely*
Nagato: If I may ask Lady Yamato how did you fall in love with him?
Yamato: He defeated me in combat. He was dominating and so powerful. So much more powerful then me that even I had to submit to him in battle.
Nagato: This is when he sunk you Lady Yamato?
Yamato: Oh yes. Even now I can't battle him without losing again. Though I wouldn't mind if he did. Oh to have him be on top of me.Hmmm.
Everyone else sweat dropped at this and scooted away from the insane Super Battleship.
Changing scenes over to the Mighty Mo we can see him eating Hot Curry. While the other people were
red in the face and ordering something cold to drink he was eating it as if you were eating cereal. Once he
had finished he ordered a second filling before leaving. As he walked around he soon came across a training yard. When he entered he took note that someone was there already.
Instead of leaving he watched her practice noting that she was fluent with her movements.
As she took a break he started clapping causing her to raise the sword in surprise.
Mo: Not bad. Though if I had to guess I'd say you are Heavy Cruiser IJN Takao.
Takao: That I am. But the question is who are you?

While he seemed harmless to her, Takao could tell that he could fight her for a while and win. Still he did not seem to be here to harm her; she still needed to be on guard for if anything happens.
Mo: Me? I'm the USS Missouri of the United States Navy. Most people just call me Missouri or Mighty Mo.
Takao: And what is your reason for being here?
Mo: Just looking around. Found this place and walked in. If you want we could go for a few rounds.
He said as he gestured to his blades on his back. Takao looked at him for a little while before coming up with her decision.
Takao: A couple rounds won't hurt so you have yourself a deal.
Mo: Cool. I'll only use one sword to make this fair.
Taking his black sword off his back, Missouri got ready in a full front stance while Takao got ready in a Iaido stance. On an unseen whistle they took off like a bullet from Missouri's AA units. Striking first Missouri swung overhead at Takao causing her to stop and turn sideways to deflect his sword. This caused Missouri to become off-balanced. Using this to her advantage she took a quick swipe at him making him bring up his sword real quick in hopes of blocking it. Blocking it he stepped into her area and
made a quick slash causing her to jump back from the attack before charging at him with an overhead strike. As he brought his up to block they wound up in a deadlock trying to overpower each other before Missouri twirled himself to the side causing her to be taken by surprise. Before she could react Missouri was behind her with his sword poised under her throat.
Mo: Do you Yield?
Takao, trying to think of a way to get out of this situation, just gave up when she couldn't.
Tako: I Yield.

Missouri taking the yield he lowered his sword sheathing it before looking to his right. Takao, not understanding what he was looking at, looked over. Not seeing anything she gave him a questioning glance. Seeing her glance he spoke out.
Mo: I know you're there, come out now or face my blade.
Giggling could be heard from the hidden person before she walked out into the opening. Takao upon
seeing who it was, gave a small gasp before bowing in her direction.
Takao: Lady Yamato.
Missouri upon hearing her name took to the defensive stance watching her approach.
Yamato: My what have I done to govern this from the Mighty Mo himself.
Mo: You tell me IJN Yamato BB-111. Last time I saw you I sunk your ares near Kyushu.
Takao gasped out at the disrespect at her leader and the fact that he had sunk her. She had known that Lady Yamato was looking for the person that had sunk her but she didn't know she would have gone against him in a duel. Coming out of her thoughts she could hear Lady Yamato giggling uncontrollably and almost insanely at him.
Yamato: My, you do remember me then. Oh, how that excites me.*Giggles*
Mo: Yeah,yeah. What do you want?
Yamato: Me? Oh, I want you darling.
Mo: Yeah that ain't going to happen.
Throwing smoke Missouri ran towards the docks before turning left to a small island not far from there.
Starting his ship Missouri could hear sirens blaring in the distance and Yamato yelling at them to catch him. Moving at full speed Missouri had his ship load AP shells and turned his turrent's at the island. Waiting for the perfect place he opened fire in the area.
Mo: Fire!!!
The ships that were following him ceased pursuit and reacted by sending out aircraft.
Missouri's radar picking it up had his AA's and CIWS on standby to fire at the aircraft. All the sudden all
you could hear was Brttttttttttt!!! Confused by the noise they stopped all together and watched him get
away. Yelling in anger we can see Yamato throwing a fit.

Yamato: We let him get away.Ahh.
With a whole lot more colorful words Yamato seemed to calm down a little bit.
Yamato:Just you wait my love. I will catch you and I will never let you go.*Insane laugh*
Everyone around her stepped back a few steps away from her.
Zooming back to Missouri we can see him shivering.
Mo: What in Sam's hill am I shivering for? I have a feeling that I made a mistake about this. Yamato seems to be a bit possessive of me. Oh well.
Shrugging it off Missouri continued his course back to base.
Halfway there he received a transmission stating that next time she saw him he wasn't going to get away.
Mo: Well, I'm in danger.


Translation: Fumeiyo no mae no shi- Death before Dishonor

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Fumeiyo no mae no shi- Death before Dishonor.

The last Battleship (Azur Lane x Male Ship)Where stories live. Discover now