Chapter 6.

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Ambush, Surprise, and Servants!?!?!


Log 4,098-It has been two days since I left Iron Blood. I had received a transmission from Big sis Iowa that they had new ships from Dragon Empery or the Republic of China for me to understand. Yesterday was the second time I have encountered these sirens since I rescued my sisters and their group. To say I
was disappointed would be an understatement. They're as tough as that Regent Battleship. Or close to it since I actually lost a turret from them. End log.

Sighing I looked around my command bridge for something to do since my phone was charging and it was raining outside. As I was reaching out to grab a book I heard a thunderous roar before I felt my ship self shake.
Mo: General Quarters!! All Hands on deck!! Battle stations!! All weapons find a target and lock on!! Wait for my signal to open fire!!
Waiting until I saw the enemy to open fire I was bombarded with more Artillery from both sides. Not waiting any longer I opened fire on them.
Mo: Fire!!!
With that command my turrets and missiles open fired.
*Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Boom!!!**Shriek* *Shriek* *Shriek* *Shriek* *Shriek* *Shriek**Shriek*
Mo: Reload!! Reload!!
As I reloaded I was hit again with artillery but not as much from before. Looking at my command center I saw that Port side was ready.
Mo: Lock on target and fire!!
Thinking that was all I was about to order to go into standby when my AA's,AAA's, and CIWS started lighting up the sky.
Noticing there were only two squadrons I sent Emily out.
Mo: Emily, two enemy ships left. Aircraft Carriers by the looks of it. I need you to go take them out.
Emily: Ten-Four.

Waiting a few minutes I heard explosions and gunfire in the distance.Waiting awhile Missouri could hear
the sound of helicopter blades coming to the back of the ship.
Emily: This is Romeo, Delta, Foxtrot, Tango, Juliet requesting to land.
Mo: Request granted.
As we continued cruising at 27 knots I was looking over Emily to see if there was any damage done to her.
Mo: As far as I can see the only thing that requires fixing is your ammo. Also one of your blades is a bit loose.
Emily: Are you going to fix it?
Mo: Not right now. First I don't have the tools nor do I have the ammo to fix it.
Emily: That's fine. I did spot something interesting while I was dealing with the Sirens.
Mo: Oh? Please,do tell.
Emily: I looked like they were guarding an heavily fortified abandoned island. Looks like it was german made. We may find parts to fix me and ammo.
Mo: That's really thoughtful. But you are right. This island had my attention. And we might as well find out why they were guarding it.
Nodding at each other I turn myself to the island. Taking about 20 minutes to arrive I was checking my radar to make sure I didn't have any unwanted guests. Docking I noticed that there was a shipyard right next to the building in front of me. As I was walking towards the building I kept looking around for
enemy combatants. Entering I noticed right away that there were supplies and three half completed ships. By the looks of it there were 1 half completed Battleship, 1 half completed Aircraft Carrier, and 1 almost finished Light Cruiser that was only missing 3 AA guns, 2 turents, and 1 torpedo pod. Walking towards a control console I noticed it read " Do you wish to continue? Y/N ". Curious I hit yes jumping when the machines came to life continuing there work. Watching in amazement as the machines did their work I remembered why I came in here in the first place. Gathering AA,AAA, and .50 cal bullets I head back to my ship unloading them before heading towards Emily with a couple crates of .50 cal to refill her empty magazines.
Mo: There. That should do it.
Emily: Thank you. What now?
Mo: Now I'm going to see how far the completion of the ships are.

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