Chapter 4

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Blood of Iron, interrogation, and surprises.

Mo: Judging by the position of the sun I’d guess that it is about 12:35. And with the wind coming from the North it suggests that a storm is coming. However even with that my compass I still can't get my cordance. I think something might be jamming it.
As I was looking around my ship I almost missed the sound of someone boarding my ship. Raising my Assault Rifle I called out to them.
Mo: I know that you're there. Come out now or I will open fire.
Before I knew what happened I heard a voice behind me before everything went black.
???: I wouldn't advise that.
Five minutes earlier

??? POV

I was taking care of a group of sirens before my radar picked up a ship 1 kilometer from me. Not remembering any ships that are to be in the area I went to investigate. Upon coming across the ship I activated a Jammer before boarding their ship. As I came across the bridge I thought I was quiet it seemed
that the Kasan had sensed me. They even called out to me while pointing a weird weapon at the front of
the ship.
????: I know that you're there. Come out now or I will open fire.
Seeing that as my chance I snuck up behind them before hitting them in the back of the head.
???: I wouldn't advise that.
Tying them up I hooked their ship up, I started heading towards base. It took awhile to get to base. I let
them know I returned.
???: Control this is KMS Tirpitz I have return with a unknown ship
Control: Roger. Put them in dry dock. Then report to Lord Bismark.
Tirpitz: Roger control. Putting them in the dry dock now.
After putting their ship in dry dock I carried them with me to my sister's office.
Tirpitz: Lord Bismark I have returned. I have also brought an unknown ship with me.
Bismarck: No need to be like that sister. It’s good to see you. Now this ship that you brought. Do you know their name?
Tirpitz: No my lord. I think they might be a part of the Yamato class though.
Bismarck: Oh. Do tell.
Tirpitz: Their ship was larger than any that I have seen. Plus I saw them coming from the direction of the Sakura Empire. But other than that their flag is different from theirs.
Bismarck: Different how?
Tirpitz: Their flag is like the Eagle Union flag but with a different design. Instead of an eagle and stripes it is stars and stripes. I did notice that their designation number is 63.
Bismarck seemed to look even more interested now.
Bismarck: Is that so? Very well. Lock them up in the interrogation room.

Nodding at her I picked up the mystery person putting them in interrogation waiting for them to wake up.
As I waited for them I took in the appearance. They were Royal and Iron Blood clothing. They had a mixture of Royal and Eagle weapons and they had a Sakura and Eagle looking face. As I continued to look them over I almost missed that they seemed to be coming around.
????: Did anyone catch the shells of that solvo. Man, I have a ringing headache.
Chuckling at what they said I left the room to get my sister. As I walked to her office I almost ran into Z23. Stopping, I watched as she seemed to be walking towards Friedrich der Große room.
Continuing towards Bismarck’s office I almost ran into her door. Knocking I heard a muffled enter before I entered. Entering I noticed my sister looking at pictures of a ship. Though I did not recognize their design.
Tirpitz: They have awakened my Lord.
Bismarck: Good. Shall we go and talk to them?
Tirpitz: It would be advisable to do that my Lord.
Bismarck: Enough of that. Call me sister. That is what we are after all.
Tirpitz: Of course Lo-err sister.
Bismarck: Better. Now let's go talk to the unknown person.
Nodding, I followed her to interrogation. Upon entering with her I noticed that the unknown person was looking at what looked to be some type of bullet.

????: I was wondering when room service was going to come by.
Ouch. But they seem to be taking this better than I thought. Looking at my sister she seemed surprised by their comment.
Bismarck: Most people would be freaking out by now. Yet you do not.
????: I ain’t like most people miss…
Bismarck: Bismarck.
The unknown person seemed to look amused yet disappointed about that.
????: First Yamato, now Bismarck. What's next, Friedrich Der Grosse coming to me.
Tirpitz: And I’m KMS Tirpitz sec….
????: Second ship of the Bismarck class Battleship. Slightly bigger than her sister and was sunk near Håkøy Island near Tromsø, Norway by RAF Lancaster squadrons. Yes I know.
Shocked at that I was starting to wonder who this person is.
Bismarck: If you could tell us your name this would make things a lot easier.
????: You should know me,Biscuit. I did sink you after all.
Shocked at what he said, I looked at my sister. She seemed to be shocked but happy at the same time.
Bismarck: Ahhhh. USS Missouri BB-63 of the United States Navy. Iowa class fast Battleship if I remember correctly.
Mo: Why yes that is me. Now what is it that you want. I was on my home when Miss Lets board a Battleship twice the size of me and knocked me out and put me here.
Tirpitz: I had found a ship on my radar and went to investigate who they were. I was unsure of who you were so I knocked you out and brought you to my home.
Mo: Speaking of my ship, where is it? I’m sure Emily is worried about me.
Bismarck: Oh? Who is this Emily that you are talking about?
Mo: My helicopter. She doesn’t have a human form yet but she does talk to me. Now what is it that you want with me? Can I leave or am I a prisoner? Because if I’m a prisoner then twenty-four, sixteen inch guns will fire upon your base.
Bismarck: Now there's no need for that. I’m sure we can talk about it.
Mo: I repeat I have twenty-four, sixteen inch guns aimed at the base. What do you want?
Bismarck: Nothing. As my sister said, you were an unknown ship in the area. So she brought you here to see who you were.
Mo: I see that but am I a prisoner or am I free to go?
I looked over at my sister. I knew she was obsessed with trying to find him as I was when she told me about him. I’m unsure what she was going to do.
Bismarck: You are free to go. Though if you want you could look around our humble home and base.
Mo: I think I might as well. I already looked around Sakura before I ran from Yamato so I might just get this out of the way.
And with that we let him go. Looking over at my sister I noticed how tense and angry she was.
Bismarck: Yamato,Yamato. Why is she after him as well? I’m ok with you going after him but why her?
Tirpitz: I don’t know sister but he will be ours soon.

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