Chapter 5

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Rigging and Battle.

The next day we can see Missouri walking around his ship looking for any signs of damage or contraband. As he walked around his ship he came upon a scene that scared him in his special ammo magazines. What he found was something that he had hoped would never be used in battle. Mk 23 Katie shell’s also known as nuclear shells that he wasn't even modified for despite his upgrades. Only his sisters were modified for these shells and yet by the look of it he had all 50 shells in his arsenal. Chuckling
nervously at them he loaded his main guns with HEAP (High Explosive Armor Piercing) shells that werestill experimental given to him by the Navy. He had yet used them but he had a feeling he was going to need them later on. For what he didn’t know. Though he had yet figured out what this rigging the other ships talked about. Finished cleaning out his turrets Missouri walked out his magazine room whistling Davy Jones as he headed out to his deck to check up on Emily.
Mo: You ok Emily?

Emily: Yes. Though how long do you think it will take to get me a body of my own?
Mo: Don’t know. We will figure something out. After all you have been there for me for a long time that it physically hurts me not being able to help you.
Emily: I’m the same way.
Mo: I’m going to leave for a bit Emily. So I’m going to be gone for a while.
Emily: I understand… My King.
Lucky for Emily that Missouri hadn’t heard what she said under her breath as he left to go explore some more. What most don’t know is that Emily herself is possessive and protective of Missouri. After spending so much time with him it felt natural to be like this. Sighing she watched as he made his way to the Pub from yesterday wishing she could follow.

Missouri’s POV.

Looking around I accidentally bumped into someone.
???: Watch where you're going, you lowly animal!!
Looking at them I couldn’t help but laugh at them.
???: What are you laughing about, you lowly animal!?
Mo: You miss high and mighty. What happened? Couldn't get that 20 foot pole out of your ass?
Hearing laughing I looked around and saw some ships around watching our interaction with each other.
???: Why you. No one gets away with insulting the Great Deutschland.
Mo: KMS Heavy Cruiser Deutschland. Lead ship of her class thinks she is so great but was sunk by the Royal Air Force (RAF). What's so great about you except that huge ego of yours? I mean even Yamato would have a hard time destroying it with how big it is.
I could hear ah snaps going around but I was more focused on Deutschland to pay it any mind. Speaking of Deutschland she looked ready to explode.
Deutschland: Why you lowly animal!! I challenge you to a battle!!
Mo: Go ahead. But choose two more ships of your choice to help battle me.
Deutschland: Whatever you say you lowly animal. Meet me at the docks at 13:35.
And with that she stomped off to who knows where. Looking around I noticed some of the ships looked
surprised but the other’s had looks of excitement like it's been awhile since they saw some action.
Thinking about one of my earlier thoughts I went up to Friedrich der Große and asked her the question that was on my mind.
Mo: Miss Friedrich can you tell me what this “Rigging” that I keep hearing about?
Friedrich: You don’t know my child?
Mo: No. And please call me Missouri. I like yourself am a parent.
Friedrich: Rigging is basically your ship attached to you. It usually connects to you when you say a certain phrase and say your name and engage. But I’m more curious about vhat you said about being a parent. Vhat do you mean?
Mo: One of my many titles is Father of all Submarine’s.
Friedrich: Most feel nice being a parent.
Mo: It is. I remember my daughter Missouri, named after myself, accidentally fired one Mk 45 Nuclear torpedo and one Mk 31 acid torpedo at me. Both hit me but hardly did any damage since my hull under water is made of Titanium and Tungsten mixture also known as Titanium carbide.

Friedrich: Titanium carbide?
Mo: Yes. It was made so it could take a beating,be light, and be strong. The titanium is for its lightness
and strength and the Tungsten is for its strength and ability to not melt in acid. Sadly I’m the only ship with this armor.
Friedrich: Any other places that have this armor?
Mo: Yeah. My turrets and Magazine room so I don't end up like Hood and Arizona.
Looking at my watch I noticed it was about time for me to go battle Deutschland.
Mo: Looks like it’s time for me to go battle Deutschland.
Friedrich: Stay safe Missouri.
Mo: Deutschland should be the one told that. I am the most powerful ship back in the US or anywhere else.
Walking off to the docks I barley heard Friedrich say something about destruction. Shrugging it off I walked up to the crowd of people near the docks. As I walked by I heard the whispering about this was going to be epic.
Deutschland: So you finally came, you lowly animal.
Mo: I didn’t have much choice you Fotze of a Schlampe.
Missouri could hear the others gasp at what he said as Deutschland seemed to get angrier at each passing second.
Mo: So who have you chosen to help you battle me?
Deutschland: I choose Graf Zeppelin and Ulrich von Hutten.
Mo: Interesting. Any who let's get the show on the road.
Deutschland: Let’s teach this lowly animal his place.
With that, Deutschland,Graf Zeppelin,and Ulrich von Hutten entered their rigging and sent planes and
shells at me. Deflecting incoming shells and planes I activated my rigging.
Mo: Strength for Freedom of the Last Battleship for I Missouri the Mighty Mo Engage.
With those words my ship turned into Black,Red,and Purple colored cubes before forming around me
while blinding me and the crowd. When the blindness went away I was shocked along with the others.
My Rigging looked like Ulrich von Hutten with noticeable differences.

(Combine both and add missile launchers with CIWS and there's Missouri's rigging.)
Mo: Well that's a surprise. Anywho Feuer on those ships.
With that Missouri fired on the three ships hitting them with penetrations.
Deutschland: Was that supposed to do anything you lowly animal?
Mo: Wait for it.
Zepp: Wait for vhat?
Mo: 5,4,3,2,1 boom.
With that the shell’s exploded destroying the areas that he had penetrated.
Ulrich: Vhat vas that?
Missouri could hear the pain in her voice. Feeling sorry for her and Zeppelin he answered.
Mo: That my dear was an 16in Mk 49 HEAP shell. Or in other words a High Explosive Armor Piercing
shell. To be fair you three are the first to have them fired at. Now surrender now or prepare for more.
Deutschland: Like we would surrender to a lowly animal like yourself. Feuer!!
Firing they forgot that Missouri had secondaires and he fired on them.
Mo: Feur!!
As Missouri was hit by there shells and bombs from the aircraft his 13in shells hit them disabling the rest
of there rigging. Receiving no damage, surprising the other ships, Missouri called an end to their match.
Mo: Enough. You have lost now amit defeat or I will end up sinking you by accident.

Mulling over this Deutschland declared him while upset the winner.
Deutschland: I the Great Deutschland declare defeat to… Uh whatever your name is.
Ulrich: I only know one other class with 16in shell’s and that’s the Iowa sister’s. What class are you?
Mo: Me? I’m an Iowa class Battleship. My name is the USS Missouri BB-63. Also known as the Last Battleship.
With that said Missouri could hear people whispering about how they got to see the Legendary Missouri in action even if it was not that long.
Ulrich: Missouri? You're that missing Iowa ship that has been missing. But how can you be Missouri? Your ship looks nothing like the Iowa sister’s?
Mo: I have been upgraded to protect my nation.
Zeppelin: Why is an Eagle Union ship here in the first place?
Mo: I ain’t in part of any Union. I am not an Eagle Union ship. I am a United States Ship from the United States of America. But to answer your question I was kidnapped by Tirpitz.
And with that he left. Some could see him heading East while others saw him disappear.


Fotze of a Schlampe- cunt of a slut.

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