Future Harem Update.

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Name: Anna
Ship name: USS Montana.

Background: Built in the memory of Missouri Montana was built actually like him with the key differences of speed,armor,and main Battery

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Background: Built in the memory of Missouri Montana was built actually like him with the key differences of speed,armor,and main Battery. She was excited to meet him when he returned to there world only to find out he wasn't staying. Deciding to not lose the ship that she was built in honor of she went with him. She has the habit of calling him father.

Name: Maine.
Ship name: USS Maine.

Background: Built in the memory of Missouri Maine was built actually like him with the key differences of speed,armor,and main Battery

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Background: Built in the memory of Missouri Maine was built actually like him with the key differences of speed,armor,and main Battery. She was excited to meet him when he returned to there world only to find out he wasn't staying. Deciding to not lose the ship that she was built in honor of she went with him. She has the habit to calling him father.

Name: Kirov.
Ship Name: USSR Kirov.

Background: Kirov was one of the enemy ships that sank Missouri's sisters

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Background: Kirov was one of the enemy ships that sank Missouri's sisters. Missouri sinking two of her sisters in return leaving only her and her sister Frunze left. The reason why her and her sisters couldn't penetrate Missouri's armor was do to the fact Missouri's armor was at least 12" thicker than his sisters. Kirov was different from her class. Being the lead ship of her class Kirov had different weapon layout than the rest. She had fell in love with Missouri do to the fact of his unwavering strength and ambitiousness. Swearing to her self that one day she would stand by his side when he took on the world.

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