Chapter 7

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Reunion, talk's, battle, Royal Navy.

Mo: Tex! It's so good to hear from you. Heading over to you now.
Tex: Wilico.
Finally the world is looking out for me in this crazy adventure of mine.

No one's PoV:
Sailing beside Tex's ship Missouri started to wonder what he had missed with her.
Boarding her ship Missouri walked to the Bridge finally meeting up with the busty blonde.
Mo: So we're finally back together eh, mate.
Tex: Sure am dad. But do you have to talk like a Tommy.
Mo: Nein mate. It's just interesting to do.
Sighing Texas walked over to her dad giving him a hug. Backing up some she then lurched forward slugging him in the jaw. Stumbling Missouri held his jaw before trying to regain his balance.
Mo: Ow. I guess I deserved that.
Tex: Damn right you do. You disappeared for a year and a half. I spent many hours looking for you only to be sucked into a portal.

Texas PoV:
I was on the verge of breaking down. I missed him so much that I didn't know if I would see him again. Before I could do anything else he hugged me while rubbing my back and talking to me in a soothing voice.
Mo: It's ok lil  Tex. I'm here and I ain't leaving you anytime soon.
I couldn't help myself. I broke down and started crying. I clung to him while he rubbed my back while soothing me with his words.
After awhile I let go of him.
Mo: So I guess you have questions.
Nodding I gestured for him to continue.
Mo: After destroying Chang's warship I started heading back to State when all the sudden it was storming.

( Imagine the ship is Missouri

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( Imagine the ship is Missouri. And it was Darker.)
*Flashback ends*
Mo: When suddenly a Blue Portal opened up. As I came to there was a distress beacon from the USS Hornet CV-8.
Tex: CV-8? I thought she was sunk?
Mo: She is. It turns out were in a different dimension were the ships turn into humans to fight these things called Siren's. They also turn out to be the ships from our world from WWII.
Tex: Wait? That would mean that...
Mo: Yes. That Yamato and Bismarck our here and alive. And I have already met them.

Tex: Oh.
Dang. Dad has already met them and yet to do anything about it. Sighing I asked another question.
Tex: So who's with you? My radar picked up three other ships with you.
Mo: They would be KMS Hood,KMS Belfast, and KMS Enterprisen. The German version's of who they are named after.
Nodding I continued on with my questions.
Tex: So we're we heading?
Mo: Were going to the Royal Navy or Great Britain.
Tex: So then what's the plan.
Mo: We have you tie your ship to mine like the others. After that we continue on to the Royal Navy while you make friends with the others.
I really didn't want to meet the others but if it keeps dad happy then I'll do it. Saluting him I head outside towards the bow of my ship grabbing some rope tying a piece of metal to it before swinging it. Letting go it flew over to dad's ship wrapping around some railing. Jumping over to dad's I finished tying my ship down before walking to the bridge. Upon nearing the bridge I could make out muffled voice's of the other ships. Opening the door I came across some of the most extraordinary looking people ever.
Tex: Howdy y'all.
??: Hi. Who are you and what are you doing on Inhaberin's ship?
I could hear the dangerous tone in her voice.
Tex: If ya need to know ya Jerry he's my dad. And as to who I am, I'm USS Texas CGN-39 of the United States but do call me Tex.
??: Then it's nice to meet you Tex. I am KMS Hood.

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