Part two//cheat.

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James: Can you wear something that actually looks good on you tonight?

Olesia: Of course.

Olesia stepped back into her room, the queen sized bed sat a foot above the floor, it was against her back wall, covered with a soft light pink sheet set, with a large grey body pillow, yellow and white throw pillows sat in front, with a sage green throw blanket at the end of her bed. Her walls were a soft hue of blue, traced with fairy lights. The window had three panels, a dark green border around it, with a soft chair in front and a small table next to it. Next to her closet was a wall of records, all of the greatest hits. Next to her bed was a small lamp, and a framed picture of her friends in Europe, and right next to her chair was a large green plant.

Her closet was on the opposite wall to her bed, it was a large walk in closet. There were racks on racks of clothes, drawers filled with jeans, pyjama pants, shorts, panties, and socks. A life sized mirror sat on the back wall, it was mounted so it would fit Olesia's height.

Finally her bathroom matched her bedroom. The same hue of blue on the walls, a tiled shower, that had a tub. She had a textured sink, with a large mirror in front, the cabinets were a white colour. The floors were grey tile, with a small toilet in the corner next to the sink. For decoration she had a plant next to her sink, with her skincare products in a small tray, all her shower soaps were in her shower, She had a fuzzy grey carpet on the floor.

Olesia finishes getting ready after getting the message from James. Telling her to wear something actually pretty, she threw on a blue sundress with matching panties. She didn't want to wear contacts, so her glasses will do.

She felt nervous, and unsure of how this would all feel. At the party she didn't feel anything, as she was passed out. Everyone says when it's your first time it hurts, and she never felt that she was scared. Would it hurt her again? She hated that this happened to her, and thought it was entirely her fault. She shouldn't have gotten as drunk as she did, as James constantly told her.

She had picked out the watch he'd been wanting forever and placed it in a small blue striped bag. She didn't care if he didn't get her anything, but she was happy to make sure he was happy.

Olesia: Hey, Happy. Can you drive me to James' house?

Happy: Be there in ten.

She steps out of her bedroom and walks down through the halls. It's just around four- fifteen, so she'll be a little early. But the boys are coming by around seven so it should be just the right amount of time.

She walked into the kitchen, and got a few whistles from her sisters and some compliments making her ugly laugh.

"You look hot!" Nat yells, Olesia walks over and gives Nat an embarrassed smile. Wanda and Yelena laugh at her manners, sending a few winks her way.

Wanda and Yelena started to move their shoulders together and make 'ooh' noises. As if this was the first time they've ever thought of doing it. They started to talk about do's and don'ts during the deed. Making Olesia laugh and hide her face in embarrassment.

"God, I hate you all." Olesia says, causing the girls to laugh harder and then give her a sarcastic, pouty, mad face. Wanda and Yelena leave with a few more blushful comments, as she gets a message from Happy saying he's outside. Her dad walks in, with an all-knowing look.

"Be safe, don't get pregnant." He says, causing Nat to choke on her water. Olesia looks to the ground in embarrassment, with a pat to her back she picks up her head and looks to her dad with a very rosy face. Tony laughs hysterically and then remembers what has to happen to get pregnant and his face turns ice-cold. Which of course made the girls laugh, hysterically.

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