Part thirty-one//saved.

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"STOP! Please I don't want to hurt-" She said through a sob, moving back, her foot laid on the edge.

She swallowed nervously, unsure of what was to come. One agent shot at her, which she ducked. Almost slipping on the edge, the few moment's she was distracted by not falling another sedative was shot into her neck again.

But none of the agents saw how close to the edge she was, and upon impact Olesia fell back. Falling over the edge and after less than a minute submerging in the water. As she was encased by water, her energy flickered out, and the sedative kicked in. The limp and numb feeling she felt immediately, allowed the water to push her down more.

This won't be pretty.

Loki, Tony, Pietro, Nat and Bucky were in the jet, looking over the area. Seeing multiple agents, Ross and a few other authoritative figures, but not Olesia. Nat and Bucky shared worried glances, as did Pietro and Loki. Olesia had a heart of gold, she wouldn't willingly hurt anyone, they knew that much. Tony landed the jet and Loki ran out demanding to know where she was.

"Where is she, Ross?" Loki asked, Ross sighed and pointed to the water.

"She fell into the water, the sedative knocked her out. I'm sorry." He replied, Loki shakily sighed.

"How strong is the sedative?" Bucky asked, Ross shrugged.

"Ten minutes? Just long enough to get her into a cell, which is still happening." He replied.

"How long has she been under?" Nat asked, and Ross turned to her.

"About two minutes." He said Pietro ran to the edge. To look for her.

"Okay Loki, wait where's Loki?" Bucky asked, and Pietro pointed to the water with a whistle.

"There's a green light directing him down I think." Pietro said, Tony nodded, walking to the edge as well.

They waited for maybe a minute total, looking into the water. Until the green spark disappeared, sparking a terrible anxiety in everyone. Tony sat on the edge, ready to jump in with his suit and save the two. he knew he should have protected her better, and this is what he gets.

The water stayed dark, reflecting the sky. A few spots had small shimmers of light, but nothing major. Until a minute ago, there was green, allowing them to know Loki was collecting her. But when his spark died down, everyone assumed he lost his breath.

It makes sense, right?

Wrong, suddenly a green spark appeared, although it looked to be struggling. Nat hit Tony's arm, motioning for him to go, hesitantly he went. Tony pressed his chest piece, his suit coating his body. Once his suit was completely on him, he jumped in. FRIDAY, directing him through the water, until he reached a very cold Loki, and an equally cold Olesia.

Tony shot up once both were in his hands, the water falling off them in a mist. Once in the air, Loki sputtered awake. He looked to Olesia, seeing how cold she was, and his heart practically dropped out of his chest. He dropped back down to the ground. Laying Olesia down in his arms, Loki placed his finger on her arm and neck, trying to feel a heartbeat. He felt a faint thumping, although he didn't know if it was her, or Bucky's nerves.

"Everyone shut up, and stop moving. Now!" Loki warned, the agents fell into a single file. Bucky stopped tapping his foot, Pietro stopped whistling, and Nat stopped rubbing Bucky's back.

Letting out a shaky breath, Loki began CPR. Loki moved his fingers to her neck until they felt a heartbeat. He felt a faint one, and continued. Loki was doing CPR the right way, though tears spilled out of his eyes.

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