Wedding planning

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I rubbed my hands through my unruly hair, scrolling on Hermione's laptop through a list of all the possible venues. ME and Draco wanted to get married in the fall, where the bronzed leaves would frame us and our binding. Hermione, Cho, Ginny, and Luna surrounded me, determined to help me as my female friends and my bridesmaids. Hermione was the Maid of Honor, but none of them seemed to mind. I smoothed my hair as Hermione moved her cursor to another possibility.
    "How about this one?" She asked. "It's got a beautiful view, the building and reception area's on a cliff on a mountain filled with maple trees, overlooking a black sand beach, where we can go to later!" She sounded very excited, so we clicked into the link and gave it a look. Luna squealed in excitement as she pointed to a picture.
    "KELS! THIS VENUE WOULD MATCH YOU AND DRACO'S AESTHETIC SO WELL!" Luna exclaimed, bounding up and down on the satin couch. I dropped my gaze to the picture Luna was looking at and my jaw dropped.
    "We've been looking at venues for like, three hours," I say, staring at the gorgeous view. "And this seems like the perfect one." MY friends voiced their approval and I instantly saved it, directly sending it to Draco who loved it as well. "Don't forget the cake tasting in thirty minutes!" He told me. I glanced at my watch. Oh shit.
    "COME ON, WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" I shouted, bouncing up. Hermione looked confused for a second then realised.
    "THE CAKE TASTING!" Cho yelled. We packed ourselves into Hermione's car. Hermione shook her head. "Alright, Kels, I'll speed, but just this one time." We all cheered and Hermione stepped on it. The car shredded across the suburbs then the highway. We skidded to a stop at the bakery, where we stumbled out. Draco was waiting for us. "Hey, sweetie," he murmured, planting a kiss on my forehead. Blaise, his best man, was standing behind him, waiting for us. Stephanie, the cake shop owner, came out and waved us in.
"Hi! I'm Steph, and I've got twenty-five flavors for you to try today," She said with a bright smile. Draco nodded and she checked her paper pad.
"So, you folks getting married want an eight tier cake? Frosted in black with green rose decor?" She asked. Draco nodded. "Yes, the buttercream should be vanilla," Narcissa clarified, stepping in from seemingly nowhere. Stephanie looked bewildered but didn't question it. She was a witch, after all. Her pink quill scribbled on her parchment, and she brought the samples on a tray. I stabbed one with a toothpick and popped it into my mouth. Strawberry. Nothing too special. The others agreed, and we kept moving until the last one. I sighed.
"Last one, this better be THE one," Draco prayed. I put it into my mouth, and the flavor instantly hit me.
"Wow, what's this?" Luna asked, eyes wide. Steph smiled. "Matcha." Draco nodded too. "I love this," Me and him said at the same time, giggling as we realised.
"There's a decision, people!" Ginny announced. I smiled at Steph. "I think we found our flavor." We all cheered and left the location. We arrived back at Malfoy Manor and I immediately collapsed on the bed. "I'm so tired," I yawned. Draco collapsed besides me and Ginny giggled.
"Rest up, you two, we're having dinner together. I'll come pick you two up," Blaise smirked. Draco nodded and cuddled up to me. I yawned and burrowed my chin into the space between his chin and his shoulder as our friends left. We napped for a little like that, until Blaise barged in unannounced.

"Who the fuck gave him a key?" I grumbled to Draco. Blaise shook us up. "Come on, we have a dinner to get to!"

GUYSSS!!! IM WRITING ANOTHER BOOK! (of course I'll still be continuing this one) but please go check it out! It's called Russian Roulette and it's about falling in love with a mafia leader! (but I put my own twist on it so it's not that traditional) Love ya guys! <3

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