An awkward encounter

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The next morning I forced myself up from the mattress. As much as I tried my memory was still wrong. I couldn't remember anything about a car accident.

I had made such a mess over nothing. Worse than nothing actually. Gabriel helped me.

Still, my mind kept swirling with fear of that look in his eyes. The depth of hatred and disgut.

I shivered trying to put it out of my mind. Perhaps a walk was in order.

The frigid air raised bumps on my thighs. Although it was cold in my room outside the sun would smooth them out.

I hopped down the stairs two at a time, the sun was so close.

"Hey!" The deep voice reverberated through my nervous system halting my movements without consulting my brain.

A small yelp made its way out of my mouth. I spun around and sighed in relief at the sight of Gabriel.

My relief melted quickly. Gabriel did not look happy.

"Where are you going?"

"Into the sun." My words were hesitant.

His gaze was as hard as my chemistry exam had been. Not a good sign.

He was studying me far more than I had studied my chemistry. . . Oof that was a bad exam. I cringed at the memory.

"So what are you waiting for?"

"What?" I queried.

"Why are you just standing here? Go get your sun." He said it slowly as if I were a child.

"OH, ha, yes. The sun. I just thought you were going to ask me more questions." I chuckled awkwardly.

There was no need to fight with him. It was a stupid question.

"Why would you think that? It's not as if we're friends." He wasn't trying to be rude. Just honest.

"Um. I don't know actually." I tried to laugh off the awkward blanket I was wrapped in. But the silence seemed to suck at my voice. "Hey so. Is there any possibility that the car accident made me dumb?"

There was a pause before he spoke. Something was different about his voice but I couldn't put my finger on it. "Why would you say that?"

Embarrassment flushed through me, "No- nothing... it's just that I feel so lost right now. I can't remember the accident and, well. I know you didn't hurt me and everything. I just... I don't know what to do. My brain is telling me to run away from you as fast as possible-"

There was a noise. It was similar to the sound if a growling wolf had a sudden coughing fit.

"Are you okay?" The concern pouring from my voice was real, but my legs refused to walk towards him, "Would you like some water? Here let me run and get you some."

"No!" He punched his chest hard, "I'm perfectly fine. See. I just had something in my throat."

"Okay. Well I'm glad you are alright." I made my way to the front door.

"Ahh" I sighed in pleasure as the warmth of the sun hit my skin.

"Maybe you should just wear more clothes." Snapped Gabriel from directly behind me.

"Oh my God! Did you really have to scare me like that?"

Gabriel didn't care about what I said though. His gaze was fixed. He didn't quirk a brow. He didn't blink.

"If you wear more cloths then you won't be that cold and people won't automatically assume you're a whore." Still his steady gaze ploughed through me.

"Is that what you thought when you first saw me? That people paid me to fuck them." As hard as I was trying to keep my voice steady it was rising.

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