Oddly Concerned

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The pain in my chest started to ease. I sighed in relief. I did not enjoy that pain. It was Deep and gnawing. 

"So are you enjoying living closer to nature, Anne?" my grandmother asked. 

"Oh yes, it is lovely, I think Artemis is enjoying it the most though. Aren't you, Artemis?" My mother responded happily. 

"Oh yeah, this place is amazing. There are so many spaces around that I haven't explored yet." I answered. 

"Do you go alone?" that was Gabriel's rough voice.

"Not always, but most of the time yes." I answered curtly. I turned back to my grandmother, "the most amazing thing I've found has to be the cave system though. It's massive! And so surprising the cliff is so-"

"Isn't that dangerous?" Gabriel interrupted. 

"No." I said trying very hard to keep my face blank.

"I mean that's not entirely true, Artemis. Tell them about that cave expedition of yours." My mom prodded. 

I was dreading this. I knew this made his point. I sighed and looked to Riley for support, but he was watching Gabriel intently.

"Well one time I went into the cave and to be honest I was not prepared, but i wasn't planing on going that far into the mountain. I went three caverns in and on my way out I realized that i didn't recognize where I was. There was no signal, I had no food and my phone (also known are my torch) was on 7%. It's fine though. I was only lost for like 20 minutes, of course I was certain it was at least 2 hours." I told the story reluctantly. 

 Everyone laughed except for Riley, who knew the story, and Gabriel, but he never laughed. 

"That's incredibly irresponsible of you!" Gabriel growled, "what would your family have done if you didn't come home! They can't look for you. They have no idea where you went. You could have starved! And you don't care at all! You are selfish. You can't stop to leave a simple-" 

I raised my eyebrows and bulged my eyes, " wow. Okay them, My Sister's Boyfriend. Because I totally value your opinion." 

"Artemis! Don't be rude!" Chloe berated. 

"You're right, Chloe. I should have waited for him to finish telling me how selfish and irresponsible I am!"

I briskly walked upstairs and grabbed my still packed bag. I grabbed Riley's hand and dragged him outside to my car.

As I was about to leave Chloe ran outside.

"What the hell, Artemis! He was just showing concern. You're over reacting." Chloe yelled.

"I don't know what the fuck is going on with your boyfriend. You seem happy so I'll leave it, but you should ask him why the fuck he thinks it's okay to attack his girlfriend's sister!" I yelled back, "I love you, Chloe, but I'm going back to uni. You can come visit me if you want."

As I started driving I heard Riley say, "this is a bad idea, man."

About 15 minutes into the drive into town to drop Riley off I saw a shirtless man run onto the road right in-front of me. I slammed on the breaks. We finally came to a screaming stop direct;y in-front of a pissed Gabriel. 

He slammed his hand on the bonnet of my car leaving a dent, "Get out of the car!"

I was frozen as I stared at the dents in the car. He was going to kill me. I faintly heard Riley clamber out of the passenger seat.

"Get the fuck out of this car!" Gabriel demanded.

I didn't move. 

"I swear to the goddess herself that i will rip this fucking car apart!" he warned.

"Artemis get out! he won't hurt you!" said Riley urgently. 

"Are you kidding!" I said hyperventilating.

The horrible sound of my car door being ripped off its hinges was the only warning i had before being wrenched out of the car by strong arms. He walked off the road into the forest without looking back at Riley. Gabriel's arms were tight around me, trapping me against him. his head was on top of mine. his breaths were heavy and every time he exhaled he would growl softly under his breath. 

My chest tightened. my breathing sped up as I started to panic. I started twisting my body, desperately trying to get away. I needed a good breath of fresh air. i couldn't get that with his smothering scent. It was beautiful, but it was to much.

He growled louder and tightened his arms around me. That did't help at all. I needed air even more desperately. 

"Breath!" Gabriel commanded. 

I tried, but my throat closed and i ended up coughing frantically. 

"Hey. Hey!" Gabriel said. His tone becoming worried, "What's happening! Why won't you breath. Fuck. I'm sorry I yelled at you, just breath!"

My vision started to blur until my body went limp and I relaxed in his arms unconscious. 


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