Buckets and Buckets

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I tried to stay quiet. 

Jozef led me by the chain. The towel around  my head stopped any glimmer of light from reaching my eyes. That didn't change much. With or without the towel it was pitch black. 

Jo hummed as he walked us through the dark. 

The humming was haunting. It made it difficult to focus on where we were going. The tune wasn't one I recognized, but it gnawed at my brain, like a mosquito buzzing between my ears. 

My shoes - wet with whatever was in that water - squelched with every step. Occasionally my shoe would catch a raised portion of the floor. 

The forth time it happened I stumbled forward into Jozef.

He hissed and shoved me away from him hard. I flew back until my hand caught on the cuff. My knees buckled at the change of direction. 

I huffed softly, on my knees, head bowed. 

Jozef sighed softly. 

"Asta, go fetch the water. Wash her here." 

My lips curled at the mention of the girl I had liked so much in the bar. 

The sound of her steps weren't as sure as Jozef's had been. 

I didn't try to get up. What would be the point. Gabriel had looked dead. 

"Sorry, this isn't going to be very pleasant. I didn't think about your bad eyes." 

Only silence answered him. 

"Have I broken you already?" 

It was a long time until I answered him. 

"Will Gabriel be okay?" 

"You know, most would be offended that the first thing you say to me when we're finally alone is about your sister's boyfriend, pretty sick of you by the way, but I know better. He's been tricking you this whole time." 

I kept my head bowed. 

"Will he be okay?" My words were slow.

"Little mouse, you don't see it, but you've been brainwashed. He doesn't deserve your thoughts." 

"Will he be okay." It wasn't a shout, but it may as well have been. The cave echoed my question. 

Jozef said nothing until the sounds had died away. 

"He'll be fine." 

The sound of unsure footsteps emerged from the distance. 

"Ah there you are. Go ahead, Asta." 

The towel was softly removed from my head. The cave was just as dark as it had been before. 

Asta's soft hands gently, but firmly removed my clothes. I had been expecting this. That fact didn't make it better. I knew Asta couldn't see, from the way she was blindly grabbing at my clothes and occasionally me, but - from the way he was talking - Jozef could. 

"Hurry up, girl" 

Hurry she did. In The dark Asta was struggling with the buttons of my shirt. She grabbed two handfuls and ripped.

A bucket of water sloshed over my head. Then another and another. 

Finally, with the sounds of the water pouring in my ears, my tears fell. My fear, frustration, hate and anxiety were finally released. 

That was all the time for feelings I would allow myself. 

Gabriel would be okay, so Chloe would be able to make it out. It would be hard, but he could tell her the which way was out and she could support and light their way out. 

I didn't need emotions anymore. They would be safe. Gabe wouldn't keep looking he had Chloe back. 

It was for the best. They would only get hurt trying to get me back from Jozef. 

Asta carefully dried my body and with deft movements pulled a loose dress over my head. A blindfold was tied over my eyes tightly. Then she stepped back. 

Sure steps made their way to me. 

"Come here, Little mouse. I've missed you." 

Jozef held me to his chest. One arm under my knees one around my back. He lifted me and nuzzled his face against my cheek.

"No squeaks for me huh? Not to worry. I'll have you squeaking under me soon." He heaved a deep breath and groaned in pleasure. 

I lay limp in his arms staring at the fabric covering my eyes. 

Jozef shook himself back to the moment. 

"As pleasurable as it is to be able to  smell and touch you again we have to go." 

So he walked. Asta stumbled behind us. 

The walk was long. Josef's rhythmic steps lulled me into a strange state of dissociation. I couldn't sleep, but there was nothing I could do. I watched fully absorbed by the swirling colors dancing in front of my eyes. I knew they weren't real, but who cares. Watching them dulled the sound and movement of Jozef. 

At some point light invaded my senses. It ruined my color show. 

Jozef put me gently on my feet. 

"Okay, Little one?" 

Oh, he was talking to me. 

"Artemis." His voice was stern. 


"Focus. This is important. Eyes closed. Mouth closed. Hold your breath."

"What, wh-" 

"You would know if you had been listening. Now are you ready?" 

At this point, who cares? 

I nodded. 

A cold liquid was dumped over my head. 

Two more buckets were pored over my head. By the time they stopped coming my entire body was wet with it. 

The sound of buckets of liquid being poured continued for a while.

I couldn't hold my breath any longer. I gasped. The smell of gasoline invaded my whole world. 

My throat closed and I coughed. It was too intense. Buckets of the stuff were still being poured. 

"Come." Jozef's voice sounded strained. 

He grabbed my arm forgetting that I couldn't see and yanked me along. I tripped. Jozef didn't make a sound. He picked me up without hesitation and started running. 

Subtle changes in the air currents told me we had left the cave. The feeling of sun sun on my skin was cut short. I was shoved into a car seat. My wet dress felt uncomfortable, but I didn't say anything. The car was started. Someone hurriedly clipped me in by the seat belt. 

In the background I heard several other cars start. 

Jozef said nothing as the car started moving.  

The gasoline dried quickly, but the smell stayed. 

"Fuck." muttered Jozef. 

The wind roared as he rolled down the windows. 

My stomach swirled.  The speed and lack of sight were not helping me keep down what food I had eaten that day. 

It was strange to think that just that morning I was having tea with Gabriel. 

I reached for my blindfold. 

"Artemis. Do not push me right now. I let you get away with a lot, but right now. If you do something I didn't tell you to do. I swear to God you'll regret it." 

"Jo, I think I'm going to vomit." 

"Don't you dare." 

"I need something to focus on. Its too much." 

"Fuck. Fine!" He rummaged around for a while. "Here. It's a rubber band. Put is around your writs and snap it to keep you preoccupied." He shoved the band into my hands. 

"Thank you." 

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