Sexually frustrated

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In our next round he was playing significantly better. Our questions became more and more superficial as we were sucked into the game.

"Whiskey or brandy?" Gabriel asked the question his eyes trained on his cards.

"Brandy if it's not flavored. Whiskey if it is." I was equally distracted. We were pretty close. I knew I had a good strategy  but I had also been keeping track of his points in my head and we were far to close.

"Ocean or desert?" I asked.

"Oooh." He paused thinking. "Ocean. I need the water, but for pure beauty the desert is just to stunning."

I grunted in response.

"So what will you make me do if you win?" Was his question.

"Scared?" I quirked my brow.

"Oh trust me. I have a perfect strategy now." He sounded smug. Too smug.

I narrowed my eyes at him. He wasn't studying his cards anymore he had confidently placed them upside down.

"I don't know, maybe I'll have you tell Chloe that you want your nickname to be princess."

He laughed loudly at that.

"Well thank goodness I don't plan on losing ."

His token stood at a cross road. In his next turn he could either solve an easy problem for 1 point or a hard problem. He was the only one who knew what the hard problem was.

He could be trying to trick me into going for the hard problem and then dying. Or it could be doable and I waste a turn getting 1 point.

I glared at his grin. Then at my cards.

I used my turn moving towards him and quickly dealing with an easy problem for 2 points.

Then I asked. "What are you going to do on your next turn?"

He looked puzzled "Why are you asking me that? I'm about to do it anyway."

"First of all. I don't believe it's your turn to ask a question. Second if I want to waste a question that's my choice. Maybe I'm just so desperate to hear your spectacular plan that I just can't wait."

His eyes widened. He was suspicious, but figured that I was just being stupid.

I could see it in his eyes. The condescension.

"Alright then. I-"

"No don't show me. It's not your turn yet."

His grip on his token faltered.

"I'm going for the hard problem." He rolled his eyes, "can I go now?"

"Nope." I, barely containing my triumphant smirk, played my card.

The lady (take an additional turn)

He stared at the card.

I dealt with the hard problem it was a big one worth lots of points.

"Sooo, how are you feeling?" I asked clearly failing to contain my laughs.

"Like homicide is in my future." He growled.

I couldn't stop myself if I tried. My laugh shook my body hard. My chest went red with the effort of drawing air into my lungs. Everytime I tried to stop laughing I saw Gabriel's mad and slightly wounded expression. It was too much for me.

As I started coughing due to a lack of oxygen he came to sit next to me and slapped my back.


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