Lunch with the family

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We were having a pretty big family lunch. My grandparents, Gabriel, and Riley were coming over.

This means we needed a lot of food.

"Artemis, so I know I said I would cook, but I'm really tired from my flight. Will you make the ravioli? I can give you the recipe and everything."

"Sure thing, go have a nap. And don't worry about the recipe. I've been making ravioli lately anyway."

Chloe sighed thankfully as she made her way upstairs.

"Remember I'm vegetarian though. So you can't use any meat." She said halfway up the stairs.

"Yes I know. Don't worry, I got this." I chuckled at her.

I spent the rest of the day making 65 ravioli pockets and a sage butter and tomato sauce.

Soon people started arriving. Riley came first.

"Artemis!" He yelled.

"Jesus, Riley," I laughed, "just give me a heart attack next time."

"I would never do that," he said in and indignant tone, "wouldn't want to deprive you of my lovely personality."

"No please, please deprive me." I begged.

"Mean." He pouted. "So where is this sister of yours that I've heard so much about?"

"She was really tired from her flight so she's napping right now."

"Huh, okay. I guess she will just have to wait a bit longer to meet me" he shrugged.

"Oh how will she survive!" I wailed dramatically.

"You're mean!" He accused his eyes narrowed.

"And you are a bad boy!" I guffawed.

"Hey! You promised you wouldn't bring that up again!" He yelled embarrassed.

"Okay, okay. I won't tell Chloe that you're a bad boy." I agreed. "Just that you are a cool kid!"

"What are you doing with your hands?" He chuckled.

"It's the physics gang sign!" I exclaimed, pretending to be a gangster.

"Wow so scary..." he said in a monotone, clearly not impressed.

Just then I heard the door open and the chattering of two old women begin.

"Could you do me a favour?" I asked hurriedly.

"Umm, yeah sure?" He responded suspicious.

"Don't worry, I just need you to pour wine and give it to my grandparents. They know where to go afterwards. It's just that they can get irritated if they aren't acknowledged immediately." I spoke quickly.

I handed him the wine and pushed him out of the kitchen.

I laughed as I heard him awkwardly great my grandmothers. The door opened again.

'That must be Gabriel.'

"Gabriel?" I heard Riley exclaim, "what are you doing here?"

"My mate invited me to the family lunch." A rough voice responded.

"Your mate? Well where is she?" Riley sounded excited.

"As far as I know she's cooking right now."

"No way. Seriously! She's like my best friend!" Riley made a mistake, oh well he'll find out at the lunch.

Gabriel snarled, "she never told me she was friends with you! How are you even friends. She's hardly ever here."

"Don't be jealous. She's too much of a gangster for me anyway," he said loudly making sure I would hear, "and I know. The hardly ever here thing is a nuisance, but we chat over the phone and I see her whenever she comes back."

I shook my head laughing at Riley's comments while I drizzled the sauce over the fresh ravioli. Chloe came downstairs.

"How was your nap? Feeling better?" I asked.

"Nap? Oh yeah it was great." She responded leaving the kitchen to, I assume, go see Gabriel.

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