The Weight of Memories

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TW: Sexual Assault and Panic Attack. 

I spent a solid two days avoiding Jozef. At first he left me alone to cry, but eventually I started saying that I had to clean the house. Jozef's enhanced senses made it impossible for him to be around me while I was using bleach. 

I had never lived in such a clean house. My hands were dry and starting to crack from the constant exposure, but is was worth it. I had quiet time and didn't  feel the rage that flamed up whenever I saw Jozef's stupid fucking face. I had written a short letter to Chloe and given it to Jozef to post.

The only room at wasn't spotless was the office. The pictures still lay spread across the table. I couldn't send much time in that room and yet I couldn't seem to stop sneaking into it to stare at them. I was looking for a flaw in them. Proof that it was photoshop and that Jozef was an asshole. 

There didn't seem to be any flaws. None at all, but I would find them. They had to be there. I had the time and although I could only look at them for a few minutes at a time... I would do it. Jozef would not win this fight. 

He had shown how despicable he was by showing me this farce. Sure I didn't want him to kill  himself, but that asshole would not have my sympathy again. He would not get close to damaging my relationships again. 

At the moment I was trying my hardest to keep the blurriness away from my vision for as long as possible. 

I sniffled and wiped my nose. 


I wiped around at the familiar voice. That wasn't Jozef. 

"Asta?" I left the dim room and almost bumped into the taller woman. 

She smiled widely when she saw me. 

"What are you doing here? I thought Jozef disbanded the..." I paused, "Group."

Asta's face, changed subtly. There was a tightening of her jaw. A twitch in her cheek and her eyes seemed to freeze. There was something in them, a dark fury.

"He did, I don't have anywhere to go right now. Alph-" Asta clenched her jaw, "I mean Jozef. Still getting used to it. He's letting me stay here until I get on my feet. He's so kind and all I have to do is clean a bit." 

My eye twitched, "Clean? He wants you to clean?" 

"Yeah. Isn't that great?" 

"Mhmm, but you know I've been enjoying the cleaning, besides I don't think that you really need to do anything to be able to stay at the house, I mean I'm sure he was a significant part of the reason you are going through a tough time right now."  I tired to keep my voice calm and level, but I was starting to panic.

I didn't want to spend anymore time with Jozef. All the time I spent with him had me worrying that he would tell me something worse about Gabe. Or maybe he would tell me a detail that proved the pictures were real. 

They aren't though. So it would be impossible. That should comfort me, but it doesn't. 

Asta frowned, "The cleaning is for me. So that I don't feel like I'm taking advantage of him." 

"Why don't you cook for us instead?"

"And burn this place down?" Asta laughed. 

"Artemis!" Jozef's voice sounded weird. 

When I turned to face him I figured out why. 

Jozef was beaming a giant orange nose clip almost blocking his eyes.

"Now you don't have to clean all the time." 

"Jozef, I like cleaning." 

Jozef's grin faltered, "But you used to hate it." 

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