38| The End

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After having witnessing Akira flee the battlefield, despite her wanting to go after him, Akame put the mission first. With killing intent, she headed for Mashiro, the silver-haired woman whipping out her revolver once more to retaliate. The woman fired two quick shots, but she was shocked by Akira's reaction time, the red-eyed girl able to dodge it with ease.

Unsheathing her Shingu, Akame slices forward, cutting Mashiro's arm, the woman grunting. As she prepared to strike again, Green alerted her.

Green: "Akame, there's another enemy coming your way!"

Thanks to being warned, Akame turned her head around slightly. Heading towards her with malicious and killing intent is Lorris, the girl having a glare full of bloodlust as she went for Akame.

Lorris: "What are you doing to Mera-sama!?"

Akame: (confused) "Mera!?"

Unable to focus on Mashiro and had to focus on the person attacking her, Akame turns around and blocks the two thrusts from Lorris, the young girl trying to use her dual knives. Now that she was distracted, Mashiro aimed her revolver at Akame once more, knowing she had to help Lorris. Before she could pull the trigger, her gun was knocked out of her hands, turning her head behind her, seeing Green with his whip.

Green: "I won't let you shoot Akame!"

Mashiro: "Kuh...!"

Green: (thoughts) 'If I can calmy take her out from this distance, I can win. And then we'll all make it home alive! I swear it!'

With Akame and Lorris, the young girl was done taunting her enemy. Lorris was completely blinded by her vengeance, her supposedly going all out. She tries to outmatch Akame with her speed, but Akame's defense was too much. With a small window of opening, Akame dashed forward, cutting Lorris on her chest, making her pause in shock.

Akame could tell that Lorris had gotten stronger after fighting many strong opponents in a row. With her rage fueled even more, Lorris turned around and glared at the ravenette, dashing forward without much of a clear plan. This was all working in Akame's favor. With Green and Mashiro, the spectacled teen wrapped his whip around Mashiro's neck, the silver-haired woman trying to wriggle it off.

Green: (thoughts) 'Now to break her neck!'

As Mashiro tried to get Green's whip off her neck, she looked to Lorris. She sees the young girl's face, pain evident all over it as Akame had slashed her chest once more.

Mashiro: (thoughts) 'First, they killed my beloved Kouga...and now, they're going to wipe out the rest of us...is there nothing I can do!?' "Over my dead body!"

After shouting to the top of her lungs, a surge of strength, Mashiro grabbed Green's whip and yanked it towards her, Green shocked by her sudden strength as he was pulled forward. Putting his feet on the ground, he tries to stop himself, but Mashiro had run towards him, anger evident on her face. Determined to survive this encounter, Green took out his knife that was on his belt behind him.

Mashiro: "I'll never forgive you!"

With the whip no longer around her neck, Mashiro's movements no longer restricted, she knocks the knife out of Green's hands, the knife clattering onto the ground. She then got behind him, wrapping her arms around his neck, tightly.

Green: (thoughts) 'This woman...is stronger in close-range combat...'

Mashiro: "I'll kill as many as you as I can!"

And in one fell swoop, one swift motion, Mashiro tosses Green over her, twisting his head as she does so. Green coughs up blood, his breath losing him, his conscious leaving his body.

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