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For two weeks as planned you ask the baroness to accompany her to events but she refuses each time. If you can't go you can ruin it. Spectacular arrival by motorbike, surprise appearance on a car or getting out of a dumpster. Each time you find a great idea with a great outfit and makeup and Anita writes about you in the journal. You were having fun doing this but on the other hand you didn't like to see the baroness unhappy, as the boys repeat, you like her. But it is soon the day of the presentation of the spring collection, it's at this moment that everything will stop, that you will return the necklace to her owner and that you will reveal your identity.

Today everyone is on line in the work room while the Baroness walks by looking at the creations. "We have no signature piece. And this woman person is, everywhere. I want ideas. (y/n) what've you got?" You hurry to go next to her and give her your sketchbook. While she's watches, you whisper to her "You seem upset." "My necklace has been stolen, i have no signature piece and this woman creature is... This show has to be the best." you hate to see her like that, and it's kind of your fault. "Can i do something to help you?" She turns to you, "Yes, make your little brain working." you smile and return to your station.

At lunch time you sit in an alley and draw while you eat. After a few minutes a bodyguard grabs you and takes you to the baroness's office. You don't understand what's going on but you find yourself alone with the baroness. "Oh, (y/n), i'm surprised at you holding out on me." you are still confused "I was on my lunch break in a public space." "Yes I own the alley." you chuckle "Really? You can own alleys?" She takes her blade to detach your drawing from the notebook. "Alleys, designs, people, their souls. You are mine for example." you think, "I don't mind but I would like you to say that in another situation..." but to your surprise the baroness looks at you with big eyes "Excuse me, what did you say?"

"Nothing! I must have thought out loud." you turn red immediately, I'm stupid. The other woman hangs your drawing on the board behind her. "Well, I seem to found my new signature piece." she turns to you, looking at you. "How do you like it?" You were about to answer but the baroness looks at your pad again and blocks on what she sees. This is where you remember that in this sketchbook you have a lot of drawings of her. "I didn't know you drew me (y/n)" and shit that's it. She was about to turn the pages but there are the other drawings of her after. "DON'T LOOK!" she stops all movements and looks at you questioningly.

"Please? I mean there's nothing interesting in there and I have something to tell you." She continues to think then slowly turns the page looking at you "I'm not very convinced but let me look at this drawing right before." She looks at the next sketch and blocks on it, as with the previous one. During this time you hurry to go next to her and you close the notebook before she looks at the rest. She was about to open it again but you grabbed both of her hands firmly. Looking at her face you realize that you are very close to each other, your noses are almost touching.

You both stay paralyzed like that for a while looking each other in the eyes. You still hold her hands. "Let go of me, (y/n)." You come back to earth and let go of her hands, then step back slightly. You don't speak for a little moment and then pretend nothing has happened. "So, you wanted to tell me something right?" You nod your head and then remember your idea. "I told myself that for this dress instead of covering it with pearls we could place a few cocoons, so during the parade they'll hatch. It would be amazing and never seen before!"

"Hmm I don't think that's a good idea, the hatching is too random to be a success" you shake your head, "Some butterflies hatch during hot weather, the human warmth in the room will be enough for it happens right on stage!" "I don't believe that, just go order some golden beads." You act as if you accepted and order golden pearls and a few cocoons of African butterflies. You believe in your idea and you will make it happen. Actually, perhaps it's better that she refused the idea. If you do it and everyone loves it, it will prove to her that she was wrong!

You arrange with Horace and Jasper to have everything you need as soon as possible. You should receive the pearls in two days. And your plan is working very well so far!

It is soon the day of the revelations! Hope this is clear with the film! We get closer to the baroness y'all !

-Djedje <3 

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