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You only got very little sleep last night due to the stress and excitement but that's it, it's THE day. The parade will take place in the evening so everything must be ready by then. With Artie, Horace and Jasper you work on the final details of the plan. Then when the night begins to fall you let them manage the continuation and join the baroness. When you arrive you see that everyone is already seated and you take a look at Anita, ready to take her best photos. You hurry to join the Baroness who asks you. "(y/n) I was starting to believe you wouldn't come." "For nothing in the world I would miss this! This is my first show after all."

At the end of your sentence the music starts announcing that the parade is starting. Baroness just tells you one thing "Enjoy." During the parade you pray internally that your plan would work. It is only at the end, for the finale, that the signature piece arrives. By observing attentively you notice that a butterfly comes out of its cocoon then a second and a third. And once the model takes center stage all the butterflies camouflaged in the dress, hatch. The baroness looks at you directly "I told you not to do it!" She looked very angry but her expression changes when she hears everyone gasp and then clap shouting "Congratulations!" or "It's genius!"

 The baroness looks at you directly "I told you not to do it!"  She looked very angry but her expression changes when she hears everyone gasp and then clap shouting "Congratulations!" or "It's genius!"

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All the models leave the stage to make way for the baroness as at each end of the parade. She looks at you one last time before going on stage. Thanks to all of you, for coming. I hope this spring collection will make history, as always. Today I would just like to thank someone. She looks at you from the top of the stage "(y/n) can you come join me please?" Everything is going exactly as you planned, you go up on the stage and go next to the baroness. "Thank you Baroness, can I say a few words?" She was not expecting your request but allows you to speak anyway.

"I work for the Baroness but today I would like to show something that represents me." You search in your pocket and take out the baroness's necklace and give it to her "How did you get it?" You sigh, now is the time. "Because I was the one who stole it." Before she can ask herself any questions you take your wig off and your black and white hair falls over your shoulders. Everyone is shocked in the room, the Baroness first. Before continuing the plan you whisper "I'm really sorry" then an electric guitar is heard, it is the signal. You jump off the stage shouting "Everyone at the fountain!" then you run to change.

(You can watch the video to better soak up the atmosphere!)

All the guests and the photographers listened to you and are now around the fountain. The show can begin! Horace does the host "Ladies and gentleman, I present to you ... (Y/N)!" Jasper plays electric guitar, Horace takes care of the lights, Artie is on the stage ready to sing, the dancers who are the models are ready too and you hurry to put on your stage outfit while the show begins. You know the baroness is watching. As you finish getting ready you hear Artie starting to sing and you are almost done. Everyone is having fun, the crowd cheers, the dancers parade, everything is going perfectly well.

It's the hour of your appearance you go up on the stage discreetly and all the dancers move aside one by one to reveal you! Everyone applauds as you walk to the front of the stage. You notice Anita taking your picture and join Artie who is singing "Now i wanna be your dog!" You look at the building in front of you knowing that the Baroness is looking at you from there. The show continues, everyone parades and at the end of the music you pose for the finale and then the police arrive. Perfect timing. Everyone runs away and disperses but you manage to find Jasper and Horace among the people.

Because of the noise and the police sirens, Jasper is screaming for you to hear him. "GO SEE HER, QUICKLY!" You nod your head and walk towards the building, as you run you hear Horace shout "AND TELL HER YOU LOVE HER!" You laugh and keep running, you finally arrive at the door and knock. It's a bodyguard who opens up to you a little surprised to see you here but he escorts you to the baroness anyway. All the anxiety goes up when you find yourself in front of her, there were several bodyguards and other people in the room

"I want to be alone with her." Everyone hesitates and does not move. "NOW!" they all rush out and you find yourself alone with the baroness. You don't know how much time passes while you say nothing but it seems like years. After a while the other woman takes a few steps towards you and looks you in the eye. You try to read her but you don't really know if she is angry, upset, or even shocked. After a few more moments you decide to talk.

I'm horrible to end the chapter here but don't worry the sequel is coming right away. I wanted to put the second part tomorrow but it's too cruel yk ;)

-Djedje <3

Baroness Von Hellman (x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now