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It doesn't take long for you to feel two hands circling around your waist. You feel a little kiss on your ear. "We'll tell them soon..." you nod slightly "I know." She hugs you even closer and rests her head on your shoulder. "You are nervous?" You don't answer directly. "Are you?" She sighs and plunges her head into the crook of your neck. She kisses your neck as she answers. "I must admit that I am not completely serene but we are together so everything is going to be fine." You turn to look at her and smile as soon as you see her face. Her hands are still on your waist so she takes the opportunity to pull you towards her and kiss you. You moan into the kiss and stop just to catch your breath. Then you take her in your arms and stay like that for a while.

She whispers in your ear "We will have to go soon my dear." You know she's right but you enjoy the moment a little longer then you pick up the dogs and take the hand of the baroness then go back inside. You are greeted by Artie, Jasper and Horace.

Horace: So it's the big moment?

(y/n): I think so...

Jasper: How do you feel?

(y/n): Good actually, I am reassured when she is with me...

You look at the baroness and she smiles immediately.

Artie: Hope the world is smart enough to see that you are the best couple in the world!

Baroness: The whole world is stupid and the press is doing too much for nothing. Regardless of the reactions, we already know that it will cause a scandal. The question is how much?

Horace: Fuck them! who cares what they think!

Jasper: Hell yeah!

You laugh at so much support and see Jeffrey (Teeth guy) come up "Baroness, (y/n)... it's time to close the gala." You look at the baroness then take her hand again. Your friends cheer you on and you make your way to the usual place in the center of the stairs. Everyone knows what that means so they shut up. You both remain silent at first and then you speak because you feel to. "Thank you all for coming to this gala! It has been a pleasure spending this evening with you. Before you go we would just like to make an announcement tonight." You glance at the baroness and squeeze her hand a little more. She looks at you and smiles slightly before speaking.

(*romantic mood*)

"Some of you will be shocked at what I'm about to tell you. I've been associated with (y/n) for a few months, but we've known each other for almost a year. And as soon as I saw her I felt something different about her. We got to know each other and we started to get along well, really well..." She pauses, looking at the crowd. "Many of you see me as a cold, ice-hearted person. It was true. But before (y/n) she changed me and she awakened something in me. Warmth. She taught me how to be in love and guess what, I fell in love with her. " A hubbub is heard in the room and everyone is talking and exclaiming until the Baroness raises a hand to demand silence. Once calm has returned, she continues.

"Yes she is a woman, what can I say? I always liked feminine things." You hold back a laugh. "Whatever, times change, I've never felt better than with her. Plus she's talented and our ideas complement each other. I don't teach anyone anything by saying we're the future of fashion." She turns to you and takes your hands, looking you in the eye, she doesn't even address the guests anymore but you. "(y/n) I love you and yet I have never loved, I still discover this feeling with you every day and I want it to continue like this. Whether it is in our relationship or in the work I want to be with you forever. We are related but I want it to be official." You hadn't noticed that she had picked up a small box that she open in front of you to show a magnificent ring. "Will you marry me (y/n)?"

(just to give you an idea of the ring)

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(just to give you an idea of the ring)

You are so surprised that she asks you that and in front of everyone in addition. You are so in your bubble that you hardly hear the gasp of the guests, the cries of your friends and the general hubbub. It is as if time has stopped, everything is in slow motion. You can't speak right now so you just nod your head repeatedly. She quickly puts the ring on your finger and throws the box at random. She hugs you and you hug her very tightly. You part a little to look at your faces and when you meet the gaze of the baroness you see only love and joy. You are dying to kiss her and you suppose she does too since she brings your face closer to hers to kiss you passionately. You hear in the background the crowd exclaiming again and Artie shouting "YASSS QUEENS!" After a few seconds you pull away and lock your eyes together.

"I guess we're stuck together now (y/n)."

"No we're blessed with each other!"

She smiles.

"Promise you will never leave me."

"Oh god no, never, i will always be with you...



Oh it's the end I'm sad! I sincerely hope you liked this story, I definitely loved writing it! For the next story I would like to do Miranda Priestly or the next character with who I'll have a soft spot! You can write me suggestions in the comments but I am writing a story with someone only if I'm madly in love haha! Thank you very much for reading this book, thank you for your votes and your comments they are great and full of gayness which I love!

Thanks again, luv u all !

Djedje <3

Baroness Von Hellman (x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now