The announcement

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"I make my entrance as usual, I give my speech of fake gratitude to the guests then I talk about what happened with you. When I say that I have something to announce, you join me okay ?" You nod your head and take a deep breath, the baroness gives you a caress on the back to reassure you "Everything is going to be fine." You arrive at the stairs and you wait before going down as planned. The baroness positions herself in the center of the staircase and takes the glass of champagne that a bodyguard hands her.

 The baroness positions herself in the center of the staircase and takes the glass of champagne that a bodyguard hands her

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"Thank you all for coming. Tonight we are celebrating something special. You are all aware that a few days ago one of my employers made a very... unexpected revelation. I spoke with (y/n) after her show, I thought I was talking to a competitor but it turns out it's quite different. Guests, please welcome (y/n). " She lifts an arm in your direction and you walk down the steps to stand next to her as gracefully as you can. You smile when you see the faces of incomprehension of the guests.

"This young girl is talented and I prefer to have her by my side. That's why today I'm officially introducing to you, my partner." Some gasps are heard some have stopped working but everyone in the room is astonished and shocked at this news. You find the smiling faces of your friends in the room, which reassures you a little. The Baroness raises her glass "To (y/n)." She turns to you and gives you a warm smile. The crowd repeats "To (y/n)." and everyone drinks their glass, applauding.

Then you go down the steps and pass in front of Anita who takes a picture of you and winks at you. You smile at her and keep moving. You are stopped by two journalists, luckily they are not the ones you ran away from with Horace and Jasper the last time. One of the two had a big camera on his shoulder and seemed to be filming you both, the other had a small notebook. "Baroness, (y/n), may I ask you a few questions?"

Baroness: Didn't you just ask one? (Her remark is enough to make the journalist quite embarrassed.) Yes, you may.

Journalist: Thank you so, Baroness you are known to work alone, why did you choose to partner with (y/n)?

Baroness: Actually (y/n) proposed to me, she would have been a formidable competitor but it would have been stupid of me to refuse all her talent.

Journalist: (y/n) why don't you create your own name?

(y/n): Because I don't want to. My goal was never to create my own label, I just wanted to prove my worth and get the baroness' attention. (You smile as you say that.)

Baroness: Since we were already working together I think it was easier to continue like this but officially. (you nod)

Journalist: You know this news is going to make a lot of noise, people are going to talk about it.

Baroness: Of course they will talk about it, which is why we are making an announcement. (She says that with her contemptuous tone that would make anyone's blood run cold.)

(y/n): And that's actually why you were invited, why are you here if it's to not talk about it?

Baroness: True, why invite the press if we don't want to spread the news?

(y/n): Sometimes you should think twice before asking your questions.

Baroness: A brain can help in these kinds of situations...

The poor journalist was completely embarrassed as you left with the baroness. You were shocked that you spoke so confidently.

Baroness: I'm proud of you my dear, you learn fast.

(y/n): I know I can be a bitch too when I want.

Baroness: You say I'm a bitch?

(y/n): Hmm, a hot one.

Baroness: I should kiss you to make you close that pretty mouth.

(y/n): What are you waiting for?

⚠ Sexual and  sPicYy things ⚠

She smiles and leads you outside then unties the dogs leash so they can run around the garden. She takes your arm and leads you up to the stairs then pushes you against the stone banister. She kisses you right after, wildly. She strokes your arms and begins to pull your dress up to your waist. You hardly say between two kisses "What are you doing?" you catch your breath a little "You'll see." she still kisses you when suddenly you feel a wave of pleasure and you moan against the baroness' mouth.

She whispers in your ear "That's it baby, let it go." She has never called you baby before but you're too busy dealing with others things to notice. The woman had put two fingers in you. And now she move them in and out in a fast rhythm. "Oh loOrd Baroness!" "Are you going to cum?" you nod and the other woman stops everything, you moan in disappointment and stare at the baroness. "It's for challenging me little girl." You pout "You can't leave me like this, i'm horny now." "Yes I was too when you were half naked on top of me kissing me." You open your mouth wide "So it's revenge?"

She smiles mischievously. "Okay you're gonna regret that." "I can't wait." you kiss her one more time and you arrange your dress while she reminds the dogs. Once you are ready to go you walk up the steps to go back inside. "It's funny." You watch her questioning. "How you try to clench your thighs to feel something." You pout again "Don't laugh, it's your fault I'm in this state!" She looks at you with lust in her eyes. "That's exactly why I'm laughing."

Hehe I like it when it gets spicy lmao! There will be more spicy things in the next chapter guys;)

-Djedje <3

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