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This morning the base of the dress was made. As you bring the dress to your workstation, you meet the baroness who was arriving. "Where's the beading for the dress?" "Ordered. Just waiting on this idiot delivery man." perfect timing, you see Horace arriving with the package. "Oh, good day to you, missy. Got some fashion items that are most fashionable." You give him a big smile "Thank you, very handsome delivery man." You both laugh and then Horace opens the box to show you the pearls.

Once he's gone you start working on the dress, it will take a long time since you have to sew each bead one by one. At the end of the day you are alone in the work room and almost all the lights are off. Suddenly you feel a hand on a shoulder and you jump in surprise. You calm down when you see that it's the baroness "Aren't you going home?" you try to give a nice smile despite the fatigue "No I want to finish this dress, even if it takes me all night." The baroness looks satisfied "Serious and hardworking, I like that. I can't wait to see the result tomorrow."

"If I can finish it first." she puts a hand on your cheek "I know you can do it." she looks at you for a few seconds "See you tomorrow (y/n)" "Good night, baroness." She smiles at you one last time before she leaves. You spend the whole night sewing the beads and hiding the cocoons among them. You pray that everything works as planned and you get some sleep during the hours you have left before the others arrive. The next morning everyone admires the dress and a crowd forms around it. The baroness arrives next to you

 The baroness arrives next to you

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"It's..." you finish for her "Stunning." "Hmm." she takes a deep breath "I've done it again. Let's go make history. I need a drink. (y/n), come." She comes out of the room and you follow her. You go to a fancy restaurant and the atmosphere stresses you out a bit. It's like a first date. Once you are seated and your glasses are filled, the Baroness raises her glass "Here's to me." You laugh, "You never drink to someone else?" "I could, but why waste my time with others? Everyone else is an obstacle." she takes a sip from her glass.

 "You have the talent for you own label

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"You have the talent for you own label." you interrupt her immediately "I don't think I could ever create my own label." She frowns "And why is that?" you hesitate a little before telling her "I, I don't really see myself without you..." She waves to you to continue while she eats an olive. "If I don't work with you, I know I couldn't work against you." The baroness smiles. "In itself, it suits me if you are not against me, you are with me and I prefer that idea." I guess that's positive. "Does that mean I could have a bigger role in the company?" she bursts out laughing.

"The one who can take a seat next to me must have done something really grand, amazing and unimaginable! but that will never happen." I hope that what we are preparing is quite grand for you... In the evening you are with the boys at your place and Artie has just finished his day. "Night. Get some sleep. Big day tomorrow." you answer for the three of you "Thanks Artie, get some rest too, good night." Jasper then comes to bring you some herbal tea. You thank him and make a pose in your work to drink it. "So are you ready for tomorrow?" You drink a little.

(y/n): More than ever, of course I am afraid of the reaction of the baroness, I am really afraid of losing her-" (you are cut off by Horace who sings the famous song)

Horace: She loves her, she loves her, she loves who? the baroness! (The three of you laugh and then they let you continue.)

(y/n): What we're doing is daring and I'm not totally sure she'll forgive me but if as I think, there's something starting between us, She'll do it.

Jasper: I really hope she understands, that's the purpose of everything we've been doing for all of this time. And if it works, not only you will have your place at the head of fashion but also in the heart of the baroness!

Horace: Since when do you do poetry?

(y/n): It's true that this sentence was not bad!

Jasper: Thank you, thank you, I just was transported by so much love! (you laugh again)

(y/n): Either way no matter what, I would like to thank you for everything you do for me, you are the best support I could ask for!

Horace: Normal, we are a team after all !

With Jasper you join Horace on the couch to watch the end of a match then you all go to sleep, tomorrow is the big day and you will need to be in good shape!

You know what's going to happen after hehe, the next chapter might be longer or maybe two parts I'll see. I can't wait to write the rest of the story !

-Djedje <3

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