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You kneel next to the tub to look at her and this time she's not avoiding your gaze, she's looking straight to you with her wet eyes. "I don't wanted to hurt you, let alone make you think I'm ashamed to be with you because I would never. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I never loved but with you I'm learning how to do it and, and it's incredible. I don't want to mess things up for a few magazines, what we have is real and much more important than that. I love you... and I want the whole world to know about it." You weren't expecting this. "Does that mean we're going to confess to being together?"

"Yes, who cares what they say about us, I don't as long as I have you by my side. I have to be with you, I NEED you. You have to stay with me, stay (y/n). " She hugs you and her wet body puts water on your clothes but that doesn't stop you from from hugging her. "I'm not going anywhere." You stay like that for a while then she asks you to join her in the bath and since your clothes are soaked you accept her proposal and undress yourself before entering the bathtub. You put yourself in front of her by taking her in your arms, she does the same and you put your head on her shoulder. "It's the first time that I am feeling good, when I'm with you and I cherish this too much to lose it." You smile and hug her tighter. 

She caresses you making shapes on your back and you stay like this for almost an hour. You were starting to fall asleep when she hugs you tight against her. "Let's go to sleep sweetie." You agree and you both get out of the bath. Since your clothes are still cold and wet you wrap yourself in a towel and go to the bedroom. Once there you throw the towels away and go naked under the blankets. Then you both hug tight against each other. You put your head on her neck and kiss her "Are you feeling better my love?" The baroness nods.

"Yeah, I'm just so scared of losing you and to be honest that's the only thing worrying me in my life right now... you're the only thing I care about the most in this world. Even more than me." You look at her in the eye as the moon light enters the room a little. "I feel the same for you, I couldn't imagine being without you and my feelings are the strongest and prettiest things I can give you." She smiles but it fades "(y/n) I have something to tell you..." you wait for her to speak "No actually nothing." "Are you sure? You can tell me anything you know." she sighs "Yes, forget about that, it wasn't important anyway." "No tell me, you worry me..."

"(y/n) it's really nothing, maybe I'll tell you tomorrow but now we can just sleep?" You do not insist more but you will ask her again tomorrow. You stick to her to feel her skin against yours and relax in contact. She gently strokes your arm while you try to get as close to her as possible. You can only fall asleep after an hour or two because you like to cuddle with her and you feeling good, appeased. When you wake up the next day, the baroness is still sleeping so you go on top of her and lay your head on her chest. You close your eyes and rest a bit more until she wakes up.

Feeling her move, you lift your head towards her and see her eyes slowly open. "Hello (y/n) you look so gorgeous ." "So do you honey!" You kiss her gently and after a few minutes to wake up you get up. You are starving since you haven't eaten since yesterday, but when you arrive in the kitchen, breakfast is not on the table. Seeing that the baroness sighs "It's my fault. Yesterday I wanted to be alone so I told everyone to leave. Including the maids." You lightly caress her back "It's good actually it's the perfect opportunity to cook together!" She smiles at your enthusiasm and accepts your offer to make muffins. 

You know the recipe by heart so you start taking out the ingredients while your partner puts on more apron than necessary so as not to risk getting dirty. You ask her to crack the eggs while you do other things but in fact you are too busy watching how she does it. She tries to pull the shell from either side, arms outstretched as far from her as possible. You can't help but burst out laughing. "What? Isn't that the way to do it?" You calm your laughter and take the egg to break it normally. "Have you never broken an egg?" she shrugs. "I guess people must have been doing it for me my whole life."

You tell yourself that you have a lot of things to teach her then ask her a little later to mix but she mixes very slowly and she is very far from the bowl. "You know my love you don't risk anything and if you're afraid of getting your clothes dirty you can undress, I don't mind..." you smirk as you say the last part. You were joking but now you notice that she is really considering the idea. "As you want (y/n)." She takes off her apron and then her dressing gown that she had put on this morning. She is now in panties and then she puts the apron back on. You're a little sad about this since you can't see her boobs anymore.

"Okay, baroness, but how am I supposed to concentrate on cooking now?"

I need a girlfriend, much older than me and that's a problem bye- If you have listened to the song "THATS WHAT I WANT" by the king Lil Nas X but that's exactly how I feel rn. 🤠

-Djedje <3

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