leave me alone...

393 23 5

the pic above is how he looks. well what he's wearing. here are some trigger warnings. sexual assault. kind of kidnapping.  and some other stuff i will inform you before those things happen with a bold text like this.

~bads pov/ well no its no pov but the story's following him.~

he stormed out of the house holding his backpack close. the quiet sound of his feet hitting the rough concrete made a small rithum.







after two steps there was a small, but noticeable pause. but soon he noticed that there was another set of foot steps. he looked around trying to see if there was someone near. but his eyes were only met with darkness. the yellow stripes on the road reflected the light from the evenly placed street lights. cars would pass surprising bad. he looked at the sidewalk trying to distract his brain from  the thoughts of him being followed. the lines that superadded each piece of side walk would commonly have a tuff of grass or a few weeds growing in-between. on the side of the side walk that was usually filled with peoples front yard. he would occasionally look at the yards. 


bad looked behind him quickly, still seeing nothing. a frown appeared on his face. sweat started to trickle down his skin. his fingernails dug into the material of the backpack. his footsteps started to quicken. the pair of footsteps started to quicken at the same pace as bad. bad felt a large presence behind him. he ran as fast as possible, not daring to look back. a hand rested on his shoulder, but before he could turn around to see who it was they were gone. the night was soon filled with uncomfortable silence. bad looked around seeing if there was by any chance anyone near him but there was not, only a bus stop sigh. he let out a large sigh. relaxing a bit.

he waited patiently for the bus to pull up. soon he heard the sound of tires screeching on the road. the bus stopped. bads lips formed a smile. he sat up and walked towards the bus. the doors snapped open making a loud screeching noise startling bad. he climbed the small stairs and looked to the bus driver happily. the bus driver rolled his eyes.

"5 dollars or i will kick you off right now." the bus driver said tired. bad opened his backpack ready to hand the man a 5 dollar bill but was surprised when someone behind him gave the driver a ten.

"i got him." the man behind bad said towering over him. bad looked at the man with a large smile. he mouthed the words thank you, while bowing his head. the bus driver pointed to the back of the bus. he looked to see many people. he felt a large amount of anxiety take over him. he walked down the highly crowded isle. he grabbed one of the poles that connected to the top and bottom of the bus. the man stood right behind him holding on to the same pole. bad felt uncomfortable but ignored it.

" hey um thank you." bad said trying to be polite. the man leaned down a bit.

~okay you can skip if it makes u uncomfortable~

"no problem, you can pay me back later." the man whispered into his ear. bad felt a chill run down his spine. he was confused and very uncomfortable. he looked around the bus nervously. he saw that most of the bus was either on there phone or looking at him. bad stood still not wanting to move. he felt a hand grab his waist. he gasped.

i still love you (under rewrite, also known as fake love.)Where stories live. Discover now