. . . leave me alone . . .

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okay here we go.

 this chapter will include, character death, the mention of abuse, the mention suicidal. 

also there will miner starvation. so if you are uncomfortable then i suggest skipping to the end for a short recap. 

the chapters are gonna be pretty sad, so sorry. also there might only be 3-5 more chapters. so sorry. also thank you to all of the people that have commented, voted or just read. i means so much to me, believe me that if you guys weren't here then neither would i so thank you. i cant even describe how thankful i am. you guys keep me going sometimes. i hope that you enjoy the chapter.

halo woke up and he walked down stairs seeing quackity playing on his phone. that caused halo to smile. he walked over to quackity a gave him a small kiss on the cheek. quackity smiled and he turned off his phone. he looked at halo with a smile.

halo returned the smile. halo walked over to the kitchen to look for something to make for breakfast. but all of the cupboards were empty. same with the fridge. he was kind of disappointed then he remembered that there was a Walmart near by.

he grabbed his wallet and his keys ready to head out but he decided to tell quackity just so he didn't feel like he wasn't invited.

"hey babe, I'm going grocery shopping, do you want to come with me?" halo yelled from the door. as he was yelling his dog rat walked over to him and nuzzled her face into his leg.

"no thank you, but when will you be home?" quackity responded. halo smiled at the fact that quackity cared. he then decided to bring her with him.

"okay, I'll probably be home in a few hours." halo yelled ready to leave. he hooked the leach onto her collar.

"okay, love you. have a good day." quackity yelled. halo blushed and he decided to respond.

"love you too, have a good day. bye." halo yelled than he opened the door. he quickly left. rat followed behind him happily. he started to walk down the street toward the store. as he was walking he heard the sound of birds and children laughing. he smiled happily.

he finally got to the store. the thing that he loved about the store that he went was that they allow dogs. so he brung rat inside with him. 

as he was looking for the things that he needed he spotted someone. he was frozen. when the person spotted halo, they smiled. he was unable to move when the person started to walk over to him. they smiled at him, they hugged halo. he was still in shock. they started to talk and before he knew it they had made there way to the self check out. once he was done talking to halo he soon snapped back into real life.

"skeppy, I'm sorry but i don't feel like we should still be friends its just not okay, your toxic and manipulative. you say things that make me feel bad about my self. you have been doing it for years now and I'm tired of it. i know that i always say that everyone needs a second chance but i have given you hundreds. please don't contact me skeppy i don't want to see you ever again." halo said as skeppy was about to leave the store. he froze and turned around to stare at halo.

halo hadn't realized it but he was holding a half empty cup of coffee. he then started to feel dizzy. his vision went black and he fell into someone. 

when halos eyes opened the first thing that he saw was a stone room. his arms were chained to the wall and he was sitting on the ground unable to move. his whole body bwas numb. he could see and hear everything but he was stll unable to move. then all of a sudden a door opened to reaveal skeppy with a needle and and some food. he just laid there as skeppy walked over to him. he was panicking realy bad but he was still unable to do anything.

i still love you (under rewrite, also known as fake love.)Where stories live. Discover now