what is wrong with you...

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"what d-do you mean who is that?" quackity said as he stood up. halo looked at him confused not really feeling like he said anything wrong. quackity looked at halo with tears starting to well up in his eyes. halo felt guilt that he had made quackity sad.

halo reached his hand out as a attempt to hug quackity but he ran out of the room tears were streaming down his face. halo was sitting there in shock, a sudden pain stroke his heart. soon quackity walked back into the room, along with a few doctors.

he looked at them all with a confused look. quackity looked between the doctors and him, he then started to explain.

"h-he doesn't re-remember. he doesn't remember him. HE DOESNT REMEMBER THE ONE THAT HAS HURT HIM MORE THAN HE WILL EVER KNOW!" quackity yelled as images of halo's body laying on the floor besides skeppys. blood was everywhere. the memories just kept replaying.

quackity had been waiting for halo to get back from shopping. he looked at the clock and he saw that it was two hours past the time that halo was supposed to come back. he started to worry, as he was thinking he heard the sound of small barks that slowly got louder and louder.

he stood up and he walked over to the front door. he opened it to see rat running toward the house. quackity looked at the small dog, he was in shock. he knew that halo would never leave rat. he bent down and grabbed the dogs leash.

the dog immediately started to pull him toward the street. he followed the dog, the dog had led him to the grocery store. he got pulled to the parking lot and rat sat down at the spot that halo was. quackity looked down to the ground and he saw a small piece of fabric that looked like halo's shirt that he wore that day.

he picked it up and his eyes started to tear up. he decided to go to the police. he told them everything and some personal things about halo like his address, enemies and some more. after around three days quackity had put together some clues. but he was still nowhere near the point to having legitimate evidence, only speculations.

after around two weeks he had gotten a hold of the security footage of the store. he witnessed skeppy and halo talking well more of skeppy talking and halo listening silently, leaving no comments. he saw how skeppy and halo were getting a drink, he had caught skeppy pour a small packet of powder in halos drink when he looked away.

when the two were ready to leave halo had all of a sudden yelled at quackity. halos body fell to the ground causing rat to freak out. skeppy kicked the dog. she fell to the ground unconscious, then he picked up halo. he carried halos body to his car and he drove away. the store was just opening that explains why like no one was there.

he looked at the street that skeppy drove down and he reported it to the police. they asked for the footage which he gave them. after a few hours the police had gotten a exact location that they were going to go to. they told quackity that he wasn't aloud to come with them but after a few minutes of him trying to persuade them, they eventually let him go with them.

once they all got to the location quackity stayed behind. as the police entered the house he waited, but he heard a gun shot so he ran into the house. he saw the body of his lover on the ground near skeppy with a bullet shot that went into his head.

he had waited for halo to wake up from the coma that he went into. he never once left halos side. but after many days he slowly felt his heart break with every passing minute that his love was unconscious.

the doctors looked at how quackity had now Brocken down into tears. he looked at how halo looked sad but still confused. the doctor sighed knowing that he would have to somehow explain there situation with out making the both of them freak out.

he walked over to quackity and he grabbed his shoulder. quackity looked at him with teary eyes, the doctor looked away feeling as if he wasn't supposed to see this sudden mental breakdown. he slowly let go of quackity and he walked over to halos bed. he grabbed halos hand and he helped halo stand.

quackity looked at the doctor with teary eyes. the doctor smiled at quackity, he helped halo walk over to quackity. once he was close enough to quackity he let halo go. halo was able to stay balanced, he looked at quackity and he leaned closer to him.

halo embraced quackity in a tight hug. quackity stood frozen for a few seconds before he hugged back. quackity looked at the ground. that's where he spotted halos tail. it was sitting on the floor. he could tell that halo was sad. he didn't blame him, he just woke up from the hospital and he instantly gets questioned by everyone about some one that he couldn't even remember.

soon halo let go of quackity, he flashed a bright smile. one that quackity replicated. quackity helped halo walk back over to his hospital bed where he laid halo back down. quackity sat near halo and they both reached over to one another. there hands locked together, and quackitry was now calm.

the doctor took that as a sign that they were ready to hear what was wrong with halo. he sat on a chair along side of two other doctors. he grabbed a clip board and he started to write something down. then he started to explain halo's current situation.

"as you can see halo is unable to recall skeppy. this is a very rare thing that happens but it happens enough for us to recognize what is happening. but my only fear is that it may increase and he may forget you." the doctor said as he watched there reaction. quackitys eyes went wide and he sneezed halos hand tighter.

halo looked down sad. the doctor started to explain more, he had a sympathetic frown on his face as he started to explain.

"we are not sure if he may gain those memories back but we hope that he can. but for the time being your gonna have to help him understand. but do not pile it on all at once he may freak out and that may cause him to lose more memories. now kept me tell you what is going on with him... when he fell in to a coma his brain temporarily tried to wake him and that took allot of energy and to make sure he had that his brain had gotten rid of the things that kept him trapped there. he was basically in a nightmare and his brain did the only thing to wake him. it made him forget the things that caused the nightmare to continue, and that included skeppy as a whole." the doctor said looking to the side of the room avoiding the stair from quackity.

halo was surprised but his face soon twisted into fear as he thought of something that must have made his scared to the point of tears. everyone looked at him. quackity hugged halo and he hugged back. the doctor was wondering what halo was thinking but halo answered that question for him.

"w-what if i f-forget quackity?" he asked as he started to cry. quackity was shaken up as he imagined a life where halo hadn't remembered him or the memories that the two have shared. that made him start to tear up.

"i don't think that you will have to worry about that, as long as you try not to get overly scared or  stressed." the doctor said standing up. he grabbed his clip board and they all left the room. but after a few seconds the doctor peeked his head in to say some thing.

" you will be discharged in around two weeks." the doctor said before he really left. halo and quackity looked at each other. halo wiped his tears and he smiled at quackity. he smiled back and the two were now just looking at each other. quackity took that as a chance to kiss halo. halo kissed back and the two looked at each other. they separated with smiles on his face.

hey guys sorry for all the angst but that will be the end of this chapter.

i hope that you enjoyed it.

this book will be ending soon.

i feel like this wasn't a great explanation to how he forgot skeppy but that's okay.

if there are any grammar/ spelling mistakes don't bother to tell me cuz i will most likely not fix them.

anyway love you all and i hope that you all have a great day. remember I'm here if you wanna talk.

(1512 words)

i still love you (under rewrite, also known as fake love.)Where stories live. Discover now