Chapter Fourteen

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*Santana's POV*

 "You were so great!" Brittany cheered, running up to me. "You were amazing!"

I blushed. "Thanks Brittany."

"I mean I'm sure you already knew you were great because you are great. And I'm sure people have told you and like I said you know, sorry I already said that. But you were great and you're a great singer and I keep repeating myself and now I'm rambling." Her cheeks were pink with embarrassment.

I grinned at her cuteness. "It's fine. Thank you. A lot."

The blonde shrugged. "No problem."

"Well you're really good at making movies... and stuff." I said, instantly blushing a deeper shade of crimson. "Sorry that might seem irrelevent. I just felt like I should compliment you back is all."

Brittany shrugged. "Thanks."

"So you wanna get some coffee?" I asked, flipping my hair over my shoulder. "Everyone has cleared out and I need a warm drink for my throat." I touched it gingerly, chuckling "Kinda hurts after all the singing."

"Sure." The taller girl smiled. 

We went to the counter and ordered our drinks. The barista smiled, telling us it was on the house because we got her all those customers with our benefit.

Once we had our drinks we sat at a corner table that was tucked away from everyone else. 

"So I was wondering..." I said, fiddling with the lid of my cup. "We've been hanging out a lot."

"Yep." Brittany smiled. "We have."

"And I guess I was wondering if you..." Was I really doing this? Now? Why now? "If we... if maybe you'd wanna hang out more often like..."

Brittany grinned. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

My shoulders shrugged. "I don't know maybe. What do you think I'm saying?"

"Are you asking me to...?"

"I might be asking you to..."

"Well if you were I'd say yes."

"Great! It's a date!" I grinned excitely. I really, really liked Brittany and I had been so scared to ask her out but she had actually said yes.

"Dinner? Tomorrow night at say... seven?" Brittany asked, grinning just as wide as me.

My hair bounced as I nodded furiously. "Sure."

"What are you ladies up to?" Came a sneering voice.

I whipped my head around. "Fuck no..." I muttered under my breath. "Kyle... what the hell are you doing here?"

Kyle smirked. "I'm not giving up that easy. I like a challenge babe. And I don't really believe you're a dyke, you're way too pretty."

"Whoa." I scoffed, shoving my chair back and standing up. "That crossed the fucking line."

The idiot boy shrugged. "Just speaking my opinion babe."

"How many times do I have to fucking tell you not to call me that?!" I screamed.

Brittany sat watching in bewilderment.

Kyle rolled his eyes. "I'll find out where that date is Santana. And I'll be there."

"What the fuck?!" I said as he walked away. Then I huffed and sat back down, looking at Brittany. "I'm so, so sorry Brittany. My brother used to help me out with guys like that."

Brittany nodded. "You don't seem like you'd need anyone's help."

"Well I don't need anyone to help me cuss him out or anything. It's just guys usually listen better to other guys which is a huge problem. Some guys just see girls as property or something. It's not enough for me to want him to leave me alone. Another guy has to want that for him to really listen and do it."

"That sucks." Brittany said. "Couldn't you just get your brother to come down here or call him or something?"

My eyes fell down to the table. "My brother... he died a while ago."

Brittany gasped. "Oh. I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I lied. "See you tomorrow night."

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