Chapter Sixteen

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*Quinn's POV*

I furrowed my brow as Brittany explained everything while sobbing. This didn't sound like Santana.

"Wait, Britt."

The taller girl quieted.

"This... Doesn't sound like Santana. She really likes you. Did you let her explain?"

The other girl looked down somewhat guiltily. "Well not really..."

I sighed. "There's your problem."

"Q, what do I do?" She asked quietly.

"Give her a chance to explain herself, Britt." I advised. "Don't assume, okay?"

The other blonde stared at me before looking down again. "Alright. She'll be mad. I better go find her."

"No. Actually..."

"What? But you said I needed to hear her out!" Brittany groaned.

I rolled my eyes at her dramatics. "Let me go talk to her. She'll be less likely to be mad.


I found Santana at The Bean thankfully. She was sitting at a table reading a book called If I stay.

I took a deep breath and walked up to her, my heels clicking on the floor. I sat across from her. "Santana."

She jumped and looked up with a scowl on her face. When she saw it was me the scowl became curious. "Why are you here? Did Brittany send you to yell at me?"

"No." I said quickly. "Brittany knows she jumped to conclusions."

"Got that right." Santana scoffed.

"What's really going on Santana?" I asked.

She narrowed her eyes. "That's none of your business."

"Fair enough. But it's Brittany's business if you guys are gonna have a relationship."

Santana signed and her walls came tumbling down. Her tensed body relaxed and her face sagged. "It's not like that with Brittany. I really like her."

I nodded. "And I do believe you. But why all that stuff about high school?"

"I was in a really dark place, Quinn... I attempted... Suicide."

I gasped. I had no clue it was that serious. "You need to tell all of this to Brittany."

Santana crossed her arms. "I don't know if I want to. She hurt me, Quinn."

"I know." I sighed. Santana had virtually no reason to forgive Brittany. "Except that... You really like her. And she really likes you."

The cheerleader shrugged. "Clearly not enough though if she believes that stupid ex over me. If she doesn't even give me a chance to explain my side of everything that happened. I have no reason to forgive her and... And I'm not going to."

I leaned back in my chair, defeated. "Look, Santana... I can't make you forgive her but I can say this; Britt really likes you. So don't mess up a great chance for happiness."

She sighed. "I don't know if I can go through this." She put her head down then lifted it back up. "It was so hard, Quinn. And being with Brittany could just bring it all back."

"Maybe." I admitted. "But it could also help you to get over it. To let go of everything that I can tell you're still holding on to deep down inside of you. She can help Santana, really."

The Latina cracked a smile. "What are you, a psychology major?"

"Nope." I chuckled. "Just art and graphic design. But maybe I should become a counselor. I'm good at this!" I joked.

Santana laughed. "Thanks Quinn. I'm okay now. And I'm ready to to tell Britt... Everything. She needs to know ahead of time so she's sure she wants to be with me."

I scoffed. "Are you kidding? The girl has got it bad for you. You could be a murderer and I'm pretty sure she'd still go out with you."

Santana rolled her eyes. "Okay, okay. You can stop that because flattery will get you nowhere."

We both chuckled again and then I made a shooing motion. "Now go! Go get Britt and tell her everything."

"Okay." Santana took a deep breath. "I got this. Thanks again Quinn! Bye!" She called as she jogged put the door.

I grinned as I stared after her. They wee soul mates.

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