Chapter Nine

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*Quinn's POV*

I walked into The Bean and sat at a table, ready to begin studying.

Suddenly I heard two people come in yelling at each other. 

One was saying, "Leave me the fuck alone Kyle!"

It was easily recognizable from all the local comercials I had heard it on. Santana Lopez.

I looked up.

Now I had never officially met Santana. I had obviously heard about her from Britt, and everyone else in the whole school. She sounded nice from what Brittany had said, but the rumors about her made me a bit weary. 

I didn't want Britt getting hurt, and if Santana Lopez was as cold-hearted and bitchy as everyone said she was, she wasn't right for sweet, sensitive Brittany. And I would do whatever it took to keep her away.

But I knew from past expirience that rumors usually weren't true. I'd been through the rumor mill a few times myself in high school.

So I decided to get to know Santana Lopez before deciding if she was good enough for my Britts.

I got up and walked over to Santana as soon as the guy she'd been yelling at left.

"Hi Santana."

"Do I know you?" She snapped.

Not off to a great start. 

"I'm Brittany's best friend, Quinn."

Her face seemed to soften. "Oh yeah. I've heard her talk about you." Her voice still had a harsh undertone, but it was better.

"Brittany talks about you a lot too." I said.

Her face seemed to light up. "She does?"


"Yeah. All the time." I wanted her to keep smiling. I urged her to keep smiling because then it meant that I could let her and Britt be together.

Her grin grew, just as I had hoped. "Well I really, really like her." She seemed to realize what she had just said and cleared her throat. "Uh-uhm... I have to go." She turned and fled out through the door of the quaint little coffee shop.

I bit my lip to stifle my grin. Santana Lopez was just as in love with Brittany as Brittany was with her.

And she was good enough.

And I would do everything in my damn power to get them together.

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