Chapter Seven

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The rest of our night was spent dancing, laughing, having fun, and forgetting about stupid Cara. Quinn was always pretty great at making people forget about bad things.

The next morning I was extremely bored so I picked up my phone.

Holly had had Santana and I exchange numbers, but I hadn't texted her. Until now.

B- Hey

S- Hey! What's up?

B- Nm, u?

S- Same

B- You wanna hang out today?

S- sure! Meet me at the bean in ten mins?

The Bean was the most popular on campus coffee shop. Everyone went there. It wasn't too crowded during the mornings though, so I figured that would be okay.

B- Sounds great! See u there!

I tossed my phone onto my bed, jumping up and racing over to the closet, a giddy grin on my face. Hanging out with Santana was just so amazing.

When I walked into The Bean Santana was already sitting at a table, sipping a coffee and reading a book titled The Lions of Little Rock that had a bunch of post-its sticking out of the top.

"Good book?"

She jumped and looked up, a smile spreading across her face. "Oh. Hey, Britt."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I apologized.

"Eh, it's cool. I was just very into my book." 

"You like to read?" Yet another thing about Santana that surprised me. Not in a bad way though. Never in a bad way.

"Don't tell anyone..." She grinned. "But I'm secretly a book nerd. Children and teen books especially. I actually think adult books are boring."

Grinning back I dragged a chair next to her and leaned over to look at her book. Then I realized how close I was to her and panicked a little inside.

She flipped through the pages and I saw she had highlighted her favorite passages, and annotated tons of things. Lot's of pages were dog-eared and/or had post-it notes saying things stuck to them. "Wow. Is all that for a school project?"

She shook her head and blushed.

God, she's adorable.

"I just... it helps me learn things and I love dissecting things I read it just... gives me this feeling. I can't explain it really." She shrugged and took another gulp of coffee. "Next to singing reading is... my passion."

We turned to face each other.

"I think it's awesome." I said.

"Oh me too!" A snobbish voice suddenly cut in.

I looked up and saw a boy smirking down at us. The smirk on his face annoyed the hell out of me. I had seen him around. He was on the football team, he was popular, he went to tons of parties.

And he was always ogling Santana.

Which made me very angry.

Very angry.

"Hey Kyle." Santana said. I was positive I heard a twinge of annoyance in her voice.

"Hey babe."

She gave him a fierce look. "I am not your babe, Kyle."

That was more then a twinge. I couldn't help but grin.

"Cool it, babe."

She rolled her eyes.

"So, you wanna go to Nick's party with me, maybe make out a little."

Jesus who does he think he is?

"No thanks." She sounded uncomfortable, but also frustrated, like she was holding something back.

He put his hand on her leg and got up in her face. "I'm not taking no for an answer, babe."

Santana suddenly pushed him away and pushed herself up and got up real close to Kyle. She was a lot shorter than him, but the look on her face was intimidating enough.

"Kyle how many times do I have to say this before you get it through your thick skull?! I. AM. GAY. Understand? I'm a fucking lesbian!" Her voice was laced with anger. "That means that I don't like boys! Especially you! Okay?! Maybe all those joints you been smokin' and chicks you been bangin' have made your head go soft! So I'll spell it out once more! I am G-A-Y. GAY! So fuck off and leave me alone!"

Kyle spluttered a bit before turning and calling behind him. "I'll be back bitch!" Then he stormed out.

Everyone in the cafe was staring.

Santana grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. "I'm really sorry you had to see that Britt. He's always like that to me. I just... I dunno... snapped."

I honestly didn't care. This was the first time I had seen the bitchy side of Santana that everyone was always talking about. In this context it was okay to be bitchy. I was glad she was bitchy. Every part of her was just so perfect.

I loved every part of her.

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