Chapter Eleven

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*Santana's POV*

Quinn and I sat at a table in The Bean, talking. Quinn had suggested we hang out more and I had agreed. I liked Quinn. As a friend of course. 

"So... you see any girls you think are cute?" Quinn asked suddenly, giving me a knowing smile.

I almost said something about Brittany, but then I remembered Quinn was her best friend and if I told her, she'd probably tell Britt. And then Brittany would think it was weird and never hang out with me again.

So instead I just said. "Not really. You seen any guys you think are cute?"

"I have a boyfriend." Quinn answered quickly. Then she leaned in slightly, resting her elbows on the table. "Let's talk about you."

"There's nothing to talk about." I said just as quickly.

"You know who I'm really worried about? I'm worried about Britt." Quinn said. "She hasn't dated anyone in over a year and I think it's time for her to get back out there."

I didn't see what she was doing, so I just froze up. "Uh... um..." My throat went dry. "I don't know she seems okay by herself." The thought of Brittany dating someone else made me sick to my stomach.

Quinn grinned at me like she knew exactly what I was thinking. "Yeah but I don't know. If someone doesn't ask her out soon I'll have to set her up with someone else..."

She was playing me so good, trying to get me to ask Britt out. I was just so blind that I didn't see it. "What? No!" I clapped my mouth shut. "I mean... I think you should ask her first."

The blonde was smirking so wide I'm surprised she didn't split her lips. "I don't know..."

I stood up quickly, jostling the whole table. "Uhmmmm I have to go." And I raced out the door at lightning speed.

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