Chapter Four

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"So, you have some ideas for the benefit?" Santana asked as she sat down in the chair across from me.

"Huh?" My brow furrowed.

"That's... why you invited me to coffee isn't it?" Santana asked.

Shit shit shit! I had completely forgotten that I had made that up as an excuse. Now I had to whip up an idea- and fast.

"Oh... uh... I was just thinking that I could... uhmmm... create a website! Y'know for the whales!" I chuckled nervously. "I can videotape the event, and you singing, and I can make a website so people who couldn't come could still donate." 

Wow that's actually pretty good.

"That sounds awesome Brittany! Great idea!" 

I blushed. "Really?"

"Yeah! My friend Tina is an artist and she could totally come up with a sweet design for it!"

Wow, this was actually turning into coffee to discuss the benefit instead of me wanting to be with Santana as much as possible.

"That'd be great!" I cheered. "And everytime someone made a donation, a cute little cartoon whale could pop up dancing with a speech bubble that said things like 'You whale not be sorry for helping me!' And 'Whale thank you very much!'"

Santana grinned and shook her head slightly. "You're so adorable."

I blushed a deep shade of crimson and shrugged.

"Anyway that's a cute idea. I think we should talk to Holly and make this happen!" She actually sounded excited.

It was rubbing off of me. I was getting excited about this as well.

"This can be like, a long term thing instead of just a one time benefit! Whales are Holly's favorite animal, and I don't think that's changing anytime soon. She'll love the idea. You're really smart Brittany."

I felt the air leave my body. I defineitley wasn't used to people calling me smart. In fact people usually called me stupid. I looked down shyly, pushing my glasses up the bridge of my nose. "Oh, uh, thanks Santana."

When I looked up she was smiling warmly. "Of course Britt."

Now there was no air in me again. "B-Britt?"

She blushed, looking embarrassed as she realized what she had done. It was strange seeing the Santana Lopez look embarrassed.

"It's okay. All my friends call me Britt." I gasped. "Not that you're like... obligated to be my friend. I mean we've only known each other for-"


I looked up to see her grinning even wider.

"We are friends. I like you. A lot."

Since Freshman year I had been crushing hard on Santana Lopez. And now we were finally getting to know each other.

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