Chapter Five

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"I can see it now!" Quinn teased with a dramatic hand gesture. "An epic story of love, loss, and sacrafice!" She put her hand to her forehead and fell onto the bed in a pretend faint. Then she erupted in giggles.

I threw a pillow at her. "Shut up." But I was laughing too. "All she said is that we're friends."

Quinn sat up, sitting cross-legged and holding a pillow tightly to her chest. "I know. But I'm happy for you B. Seriously, you've been crushing hard for more than a year. This is huge."

I couldn't stop a big grin from spreading across my features. "I know." I put my hands in my face to conceal a blush. "Sorry, I know we're just friends but that doesn't stop me from picturing what this could turn into."

"Okay, like I said, I'm very happy for you..." Quinn sighed. "But... Don't get your hopes up, alright? I don't wanna see you get hurt."

My smile dimmed. "I know, I know. We'll probably just stay friends."

Quinn wrapped an arm around me. "Let's go out tonight. Just you and me. We can go to a club, get wasted." She smiled and swooped her head down to look me in the eyes. "Come on... Let's have a girl's night out. To distract you from Santana"

I nodded, mustering a smile. "Sure."


Quinn and I walked into the club arm in arm, music pounding in our ears.

"LET'S GO GET DRINKS!" Quinn yelled over the music.

"OKAY!" I yelled back.

We walked over to the bar to get drinks.

Suddenly I saw this girl in front of me. She looked a little familiar, though I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

Then she turned.

I gasped.

So much for a night to distract me...

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