Chapter Three

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"Ugh! How can I even pick an outfit when all my clothes look so childish!" I groaned, holding the phone to my ear.

"Well isn't that kinda your thing, Britt?" My best friend Quinn asked on the other end.

I rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see it. "Well... maybe, but it's not gonna fly this time, Q. This isn't going out with you, it's going out with Santana Lopez."

"Gee, thanks Britt." Quinn responded in a joking mannor. "That was a great ego booster."

Once again I rolled my eyes. "I'm serious Quinn! She's been my crush since like forever and now I finally have a date with her! I can't blow this!"

"Need I remind you that, hello, this isn't a date!" My blonde friend chuckled.

"Since it's probably as close as I'm gonna get to one with her, we're calling it that. M'kay, Q?"

"Sure, Britt." I could hear the grin in her voice. 

"Now I gotta go. I'm only about halfway through my outfits and I can tell this is gonna take a looooong time!"

Quinn chuckled. "Later chica."

"Mwah, see ya." And I hung up.

Tossing my phone on the bed, I turned back to the closet and took a deep breath. I was easily overwhelmed and right now my closet looked a bit like a monster glaring at me. Well, I was probably the only one that would've been able to make out the shape, but whatevs.

After about another hour I finally had an outfit picked out. It was a fairly simple outfit, skinny jeans paired with a light purple tanktop and green converse. It was still a bit childish but it was the only thing I owned that looked remotely like something a twenty-year-old might wear.

I did my hair in a loose braid and straightened my glasses slightly. I was ready.


When I got to the campus coffee shop Santana wasn't there yet so I ordered a coffee and sat at a two person table in the corner.

Luckily I had brought a book to read and wouldn't be bored.

Everytime the door jingled, indicating someone coming into the coffee shop I looked up.

Finally it was Santana.

And oh my god.

If I had been sucking on a mint I'm sure I would've swallowed it.

She was in her cheerleading uniform, obviously coming from practice. Her neck was glistening with sweat. (Sexy sweat obviously.) The Latina had taken her hair down from a high ponytail and it hung in gorgeous waves. She ran a hand through it and tossed it over her shoulder elegantly.

Santana looked up, instantly spotting me and turning on a huge grin. She walked over and sat down across from me. "Hey Brittany. You look cute."

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