Chapter Fifteen

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*Brittany's POV*

I breathed in and out deeply. I was wearing a simple outfit. A butter yellow top paired with some nice jeans and combat boots. The date was at Ted's Montana Grill which wasn't a fancy place. But it was amazing.

Pulling out my iPhone I snapped a picture and sent it to Quinn.

Does this look okay?? -B

It's cute!! -Q

I'm so nervous! -B

You'll be fine!! Now go get her tiger! -Q

I breathed out one more time, grabbed my purse and I was out the door.

When I got to the restaurant Santana was already at our booth and waved me over. I sat, looking her over. She looked hot as always.

We talked and then ordered and talked some more. It was going great. We really connected and didn't run out of things to talk about.

But suddenly the table right next to us became occupied by two people we did not want to see.

Kyle and Cara.

At first they pretended not to notice us but then Cara leaned over and said in her squeaky voice, "Oh, what a surprise!"

Santana was rolling her eyes and looking more annoyed than I'd ever seen her. "What... the actual... fuck?" She said slowly.

Kyle and Cara wore matching smirks.

"Well," Cara sneered. "We got to know each other. And we found out about our... Common plan."

I narrowed my eyes and Santana did the same.

"So Santana..." Cara said, whipping her head over to the brunette. "When are you gonna tell Brittany who you really are?"

I looked at her confusedly, seeing all the color drain from her face.

"Um... What do you mean?"

"Oh you know! High school?"

The brunette gulped visibly. "W-what?"

Cara scoffed. "You really don't remember me?" She gave a fake pout that changed into an evil smirk. "I told you Santana... I know you. The real you. And soon Brittany will too."

I furrowed my brow. "Santana what is she talking about?"

The Latina took a shaky breath. "Wait... I remember you. You went to my high school."

Cara nodded, grinning deviously.

"Please don't..." The brunette pleaded.

"Don't what?!" I asked, getting a bit annoyed. "What's going on?"

The redhead turned back to me. "Brittany dear sweet Santana has been lying to you."

"W-what?" I gulped.

Santana tried to speak. "No I haven-"

She got cut off by Cara. "I know the real her. In high school she was the party animal. She drank and smoked and did drugs. Disgusting."

"Okay..." Brittany shrugged. What was so bad about that? It was high school and Santana was more mature now.

"Well... Santana was also the school SLUT. She slept with anyone! Guy or girl! And all they were to her were conquests. I would know because I was one of them."

"What?" Santana and I said at the same time."

"See?" Cara scoffed. "She doesn't even remember it. That's who she is. And that's who she will always be."

The Latina looked desperate. "Look, Brittany it's not like that. I have a good reason-"

I cut her off. "A good reason to sleep with people and then forget it!? To hurt people?!"

"Yes!" She cried. "Well-"

This time she was cut off by Cara. "That's what she's doing with you Brittany! She's just trying to get into your pants!"

"NO!" The Latina cried. "No! That isn't true!"

Tears stung my eyes. "Isn't it though? I heard rumors but I didn't really think it was true."

"It's not!" Santana desperately cried. "Please believe me!"

"Why should I?" I sniffled. "You're probably high right now or... Something." I attempted an insult.

The Latina looked a little taken aback. "W-what?"

"I should've known I was just a conquest to you! You're not only the school's biggest bitch you're the biggest slut too!"

Her face fell.

It was hard to stay mad but I somehow managed too. I believed Cara. She had never lied to me before.

"I um... I was going through a lot back then." The brunette said softly.

"That's what everyone says!" I cried. "And it's not like you are now! Now please never speak to me again." Then I got up and dashed out of there as fast as I could.

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