Chapter One

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*Brittany's POV*

I pushed my thick black glasses up the bridge of my nose as I dashed through the courtyard, nearly colliding with a girl carrying dozens of books.

"Sorry!" I called over my shoulder, my blonde hair flying.

Shit, I was late. I was so, so, so late and Holly was gonna kill me. Well no, Holly was too chill for that, but she still might be angry.

How had I completely forgotten that I promised my favorite professor Holly Holiday to help her with her benefit to save the whales? Finally I reached the on campus coffee shop the benefit was being held at.

"Holly, I am so sorry! My alarm didn't go off and I just-"

"Woah, little B!" Holly called, silencing my ramblings. "Chill out, it's all good!"

"I-It is?" I stuttered, a little surprised.

"Yeah." The woman confirmed with a wave of her hand. "Santana's been helping me out."

"S-santana?" I gasped.

Holly gestured to a girl behind her with dark hair and long, tan legs. She wore a tiny red dress that was impossibly short, tight, and low-cut paired with light brown knee-high leather boots. Finally she looked up, and sure enough, it was her.

I felt like I couldn't breathe. Standing before me was THE Santana Lopez. She was a senior, head cheer leader, amazing singer, and positively gorgeous! Everyone had a crush on her, including me.

Especially me.

I had been in love with Santana Lopez since the second week of my Freshman year. Even though Santana was only a Junior then, she was already head cheer leader, and everyone knew who she was. When I saw her at the first football game of the season, cheering proudly for her school, my breath was taken away. Like, literally. I actually choked on the hotdog I was eating. That's how beautiful she is. Paramedics had to be called and I had to be taken to the hospital. When I really fell in love was when I heard her rush up to a paramedic.

"Is she ok?!" She had asked worriedly.

I couldn't believe it! THE Santana Lopez was worried about geeky little me? A nobody Freshman with big glasses who loved cats and filming, and was a little on the ditzy side?

My love had only grown that year, and now, it was stronger than ever.

Santana looked up at me, her dark brown eyes seemed to be baring into my soul. Then she smiled a little and stuck out her hand. "Santana Lopez."

I stared at her hand before making a little nervous squeak noise.

"Uh..." Santana quirked an eyebrow at me.

Feeling red creep into my cheeks I quickly turned and dashed into the bathroom, locking myself in a stall.

Had I really just embarrassed myself like that in front of my crush? Was I so pathetic that I couldn't even talk to her without turning into a squeaking mess?

No. That wasn't me.

I walked out of the stall, smoothing down the yellow top I was wearing. Once I had composed myself, and made sure that I looked good, I stepped out of the bathroom.

Santana was bending over picking something up.

I walked up behind her, cranking up my smile to a thousand-watt grin.

She stood, turned around, and almost jumped. "Oh. Hi, are you okay? What happened there?"

I ignored my embarrassment and stuck out a hand. "Hi Santana, I'm Brittany Pierce."

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